Andrew Byron
53 years old.
Born in Bath, Somerset, England, UK
on 10th August 1971.
You've seen -- of his 14 trackable films
Andrew Byron is an actor with a career spanning 16 years, from 2005 to 2021, starting at the age of 34. His first film was Experiment and his latest film was Black Widow. A lot of his work has been in the Action and Thriller genres.
Weekly Trend:
Known For
Released Films (14)
Film | Film | Year | Runtime | Rating | Streaming | Options | |||
Black Widow | 2021 | 2h 13m |
Six Minutes to Midnight | 2020 | 1h 39m |
Wonder Woman | 2017 | 2h 21m |
War Machine | 2017 | 2h 2m |
Another Mother's Son | 2017 | 1h 38m |
Beyond Valkyrie: Dawn of the Fourth Reich | 2016 | 1h 40m |
Genius | 2016 | 1h 44m |
Criminal | 2016 | 1h 53m |
The Monuments Men | 2014 | 1h 58m |
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit | 2014 | 1h 45m |
Taken: The Search for Sophie Parker | 2013 | 1h 25m | |||||||
RED 2 | 2013 | 1h 56m |
28 Weeks Later | 2007 | 1h 40m |
Experiment | 2005 | 1h 35m |
Regularly Credited With
Gal Gadot
2 films together
Kevin Costner
2 films together
Jeremy Renner
2 films together
Chris Pine
2 films together
David Thewlis
2 films together
Matt Rippy
2 films together
Michael Epp
2 films together
Rupert Holliday-Evans
2 films together
Xavier Laurent
2 films together
His Top Genres 1
14% Action
+ 52 moreHis Top Years
22% 2017
+ 7 more1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.
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Andrew Byron FAQ
How old is Andrew Byron?
53 years old.
When was Andrew Byron born?
10th August 1971
Where was Andrew Byron born?
Bath, Somerset, England, UK
What is Andrew Byron known for?
Has Andrew Byron won an Oscar?
No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.
Has Andrew Byron won a BAFTA?
No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.
What ethnicity is Andrew Byron?
He is Caucasian.