Bruce Altman
69 years old.
Born in The Bronx, New York, USA
on 3rd July 1955.
You've seen -- of his 37 trackable films
Bruce Altman is an actor with a career spanning 31 years, from 1991 to 2022, starting at the age of 36. His first film was Regarding Henry and his latest film was Last Seen Alive. A lot of his work has been in the Drama and Comedy genres.
Weekly Trend:
Known For
Released Films (37)
Film | Film | Year | Runtime | Rating | Streaming | Options | |||
Last Seen Alive | 2022 | 1h 35m |
Master | 2022 | 1h 38m |
Irresistible | 2020 | 1h 41m |
The Sound of Silence | 2019 | 1h 27m |
Fifty Shades Darker | 2017 | 1h 58m |
Miracles from Heaven | 2016 | 1h 59m |
Touched with Fire | 2015 | 1h 42m |
Shelter | 2014 | 1h 45m |
Delivery Man | 2013 | 1h 45m | |||||||
Arbitrage | 2012 | 1h 40m |
Game Change | 2012 | 1h 58m |
Big Miracle | 2012 | 1h 47m | |||||||
The Sitter | 2011 | 1h 21m |
Morning Glory | 2010 | 1h 47m |
It's Complicated | 2009 | 2h 1m |
The Skeptic | 2009 | 1h 29m | |||||||
Bride Wars | 2009 | 1h 29m |
Recount | 2008 | 1h 56m |
Deception | 2008 | 1h 47m | |||||||
Bag Boy | 2007 | 1h 34m | |||||||
12 and Holding | 2005 | 1h 30m | |||||||
Running Scared | 2006 | 2h 2m |
Matchstick Men | 2003 | 1h 56m | |||||||
Changing Lanes | 2002 | 1h 39m |
L.I.E. | 2001 | 1h 37m | |||||||
The Object of My Affection | 1998 | 1h 51m | |||||||
Cop Land | 1997 | 1h 44m |
To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday | 1996 | 1h 33m |
Quiz Show | 1994 | 2h 13m | |||||||
White Mile | 1994 | 1h 36m |
The Paper | 1994 | 1h 52m |
Mr. Wonderful | 1993 | 1h 38m | |||||||
Mr. Jones | 1993 | 1h 54m |
Rookie of the Year | 1993 | 1h 43m |
My New Gun | 1992 | 1h 39m | |||||||
Glengarry Glen Ross | 1992 | 1h 40m |
Regarding Henry | 1991 | 1h 48m |
Regularly Credited With
John Pankow
3 films together
Matt Malloy
3 films together
Harsh Nayyar
3 films together
Annabella Sciorra
3 films together
Adam LeFevre
3 films together
Harrison Ford
2 films together
Richard Gere
2 films together
Sam Rockwell
2 films together
Ed Harris
2 films together
His Top Genres 1
33% Drama
+ 83 moreHis Top Years
9% 2012
+ 25 moreTop Character Types
100% Lawyer
1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.
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Bruce Altman FAQ
How old is Bruce Altman?
69 years old.
When was Bruce Altman born?
3rd July 1955
Where was Bruce Altman born?
The Bronx, New York, USA
What is Bruce Altman known for?
Has Bruce Altman won an Oscar?
No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.
Has Bruce Altman won a BAFTA?
No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.
What ethnicity is Bruce Altman?
He is Caucasian.