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The Filmaholic
Christian J. Meoli

Christian J. Meoli

52 years old. Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA on 6th July 1972.
You've seen -- of his 8 trackable films

Christian J. Meoli is an actor with a career spanning 29 years, from 1993 to 2022, starting at the age of 21. His first film was Alive and his latest film was Sally Floss: Digital Detective. A lot of his work has been in the Drama and Thriller genres.

Known For


Released Films (8)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Sally Floss: Digital Detective poster Sally Floss: Digital Detective 2022 1h 29m
Plex Channel
Should've Been Romeo poster Should've Been Romeo 2012 -
Final Approach poster Final Approach 2007 2h 50m
Bongwater poster Bongwater 1998 1h 37m
Peacock Premium Plus
Persons Unknown poster Persons Unknown 1996 1h 39m
The Low Life poster The Low Life 1995 1h 36m
Nunzio's Second Cousin poster Nunzio's Second Cousin 1994 18m
Alive poster Alive 1993 2h

Regularly Credited With

J. T. Walsh's profile
J. T. Walsh
2 films together
Antoni Corone's profile
Antoni Corone
2 films together
Channon Roe
Channon Roe
2 films together
George Hickenlooper
George Hickenlooper
2 films together
Ethan Hawke's profile
Ethan Hawke
1 film together
John Malkovich's profile
John Malkovich
1 film together
Renée Zellweger's profile
Renée Zellweger
1 film together
Naomi Watts's profile
Naomi Watts
1 film together
Sean Astin's profile
Sean Astin
1 film together


His Top Genres 1
15% Drama
+ 20 more
His Top Years
13% 2022
+ 7 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Christian J. Meoli FAQ

How old is Christian J. Meoli?

52 years old.

When was Christian J. Meoli born?

6th July 1972

Where was Christian J. Meoli born?

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Has Christian J. Meoli won an Oscar?

No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.

Has Christian J. Meoli won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Christian J. Meoli?

He is Caucasian.