The Filmaholic
Christopher Mann

Christopher Mann

60 years old. Born in Chester, Pennsylvania, USA on 17th June 1964.
You've seen -- of his 11 trackable films

Christopher Mann is an actor with a career spanning 15 years, from 2007 to 2022, starting at the age of 43. His first film was Michael Clayton and his latest film was When George Got Murdered. A lot of his work has been in the Drama and Comedy genres.

Known For


Released Films (11)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
When George Got Murdered poster When George Got Murdered 2022 -
Luce poster Luce 2019 1h 49m
Paramount+ with Showtime
Creed II poster Creed II 2018 2h 10m
But Deliver Us from Evil poster But Deliver Us from Evil 2017 1h 49m
Loving poster Loving 2016 2h 3m
Deer Crossing poster Deer Crossing 2012 1h 50m
Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You poster Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You 2011 1h 36m
The Big Year poster The Big Year 2011 1h 40m
The Mighty Macs poster The Mighty Macs 2009 1h 42m
Xumo Play
UP Faith & Family Apple TV Channel
Peacock Premium Plus
Duplicity poster Duplicity 2009 2h 5m
Michael Clayton poster Michael Clayton 2007 1h 59m

Regularly Credited With

Tom McCarthy
Tom McCarthy
3 films together
Tom Wilkinson's profile
Tom Wilkinson
2 films together
Ellen Burstyn's profile
Ellen Burstyn
2 films together
Denis O'Hare's profile
Denis O'Hare
2 films together
Pete Postiglione
Pete Postiglione
2 films together
George Clooney's profile
George Clooney
1 film together
Julia Roberts's profile
Julia Roberts
1 film together
Steve Martin's profile
Steve Martin
1 film together
Sylvester Stallone's profile
Sylvester Stallone
1 film together


His Top Genres 1
34% Drama
+ 20 more
His Top Years
19% 2011
+ 8 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Christopher Mann FAQ

How old is Christopher Mann?

60 years old.

When was Christopher Mann born?

17th June 1964

Where was Christopher Mann born?

Chester, Pennsylvania, USA

What is Christopher Mann known for?
Has Christopher Mann won an Oscar?

No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.

Has Christopher Mann won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Christopher Mann?

He is Black.