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The Filmaholic
Curt Clendenin

Curt Clendenin

50 years old. Born in Carol Stream, Illinois, USA on 24th November 1973.
You've seen -- of his 12 trackable films

Curt Clendenin is an actor with a career spanning 36 years, from 1980 to 2016, starting at the age of 7. His first film was The Blues Brothers and his latest film was The Interview. A lot of his work has been in the Comedy and Drama genres.

Known For


Released Films (12)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Bloody Bobby poster Bloody Bobby 2016 -
The Interview poster The Interview 2014 1h 52m
Mysteria poster Mysteria 2011 1h 34m
Plex Channel
Because I Said So poster Because I Said So 2007 1h 42m
Alpha Dog poster Alpha Dog 2006 2h 2m
Crash poster Crash 2004 1h 52m
Carolina poster Carolina 2003 1h 37m
Adaptation. poster Adaptation. 2002 1h 55m
The Sweetest Thing poster The Sweetest Thing
as Club Drink Server
2002 1h 24m
K-PAX poster K-PAX 2001 2h
American Pie 2 poster American Pie 2 2001 1h 48m
The Blues Brothers poster The Blues Brothers 1980 2h 13m

Regularly Credited With

Jennifer Coolidge's profile
Jennifer Coolidge
2 films together
Robert Miano's profile
Robert Miano
2 films together
Alan Thicke
Alan Thicke
2 films together
Silvia Spross
Silvia Spross
2 films together
Bruce Willis's profile
Bruce Willis
1 film together
Nicolas Cage's profile
Nicolas Cage
1 film together
Jeff Bridges's profile
Jeff Bridges
1 film together
Olivia Wilde's profile
Olivia Wilde
1 film together
Sandra Bullock's profile
Sandra Bullock
1 film together


His Top Genres 1
24% Comedy
+ 29 more
His Top Years
17% 2002
+ 9 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Curt Clendenin FAQ

How old is Curt Clendenin?

50 years old.

When was Curt Clendenin born?

24th November 1973

Where was Curt Clendenin born?

Carol Stream, Illinois, USA

What is Curt Clendenin known for?
Has Curt Clendenin won an Oscar?

No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.

Has Curt Clendenin won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Curt Clendenin?

He is Caucasian.