The Filmaholic
Damien Leake

Damien Leake

72 years old. Born in The Bronx, New York, USA on 12th August 1952.
You've seen -- of his 18 trackable films

Damien Leake is an actor with a career spanning 45 years, from 1973 to 2018, starting at the age of 21. His first film was Serpico and his latest film was Breaking In. A lot of his work has been in the Drama and Crime genres.

Known For


Released Films (18)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Breaking In poster Breaking In 2018 1h 28m
Bad Twin poster Bad Twin 2016 1h 30m
The Experiment poster The Experiment 2010 1h 36m
Prison Break: The Final Break poster Prison Break: The Final Break 2009 1h 29m
The Great Debaters poster The Great Debaters 2007 2h 6m
88 Minutes poster 88 Minutes 2007 1h 48m
Xumo Play
The Devil's Own poster The Devil's Own 1997 1h 51m
He Said, She Said poster He Said, She Said 1991 1h 55m
Born on the Fourth of July poster Born on the Fourth of July 1989 2h 25m
Sea of Love poster Sea of Love 1989 1h 53m
Collision Course poster Collision Course 1989 1h 40m
Last Rites poster Last Rites 1988 1h 43m
Highlander poster Highlander 1986 1h 56m
Plex Channel
The Cotton Club poster The Cotton Club 1984 2h 7m
Plex Channel
The Killing Floor poster The Killing Floor 1984 1h 58m
Apocalypse Now poster Apocalypse Now 1979 2h 27m
Plex Channel
Death Wish poster Death Wish
as Alley Mugger #2
1974 1h 33m
Serpico poster Serpico 1973 2h 10m

Regularly Credited With

Al Pacino's profile
Al Pacino
3 films together
Bruce MacVittie
Bruce MacVittie
3 films together
Harrison Ford's profile
Harrison Ford
2 films together
Forest Whitaker's profile
Forest Whitaker
2 films together
Laurence Fishburne's profile
Laurence Fishburne
2 films together
Tom Berenger's profile
Tom Berenger
2 films together
Alan North's profile
Alan North
2 films together
Bill Graham's profile
Bill Graham
2 films together
Brian Tarantina
Brian Tarantina
2 films together


His Top Genres 1
18% Drama
+ 68 more
His Top Years
17% 1989
+ 13 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Damien Leake FAQ

How old is Damien Leake?

72 years old.

When was Damien Leake born?

12th August 1952

Where was Damien Leake born?

The Bronx, New York, USA

Has Damien Leake won an Oscar?

No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.

Has Damien Leake won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Damien Leake?

He is Black.