David Carradine
Born in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA
on 8th December 1936.
Died in 2009 aged 72 years old.
A member of
The Carradine Family
You've seen -- of his 79 trackable films
David Carradine was an actor with a career spanning 44 years, from 1969 to 2013, starting at the age of 33. His first film was The Good Guys and the Bad Guys and his last film was Madoff: Made Off with America. A lot of his work was in the Action and Drama genres.
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Character Images
Known For
Regularly Credited With
Michael Madsen
6 films together
Gary Busey
5 films together
Keith Carradine
5 films together
Robert Carradine
5 films together
Gordon Liu Chia-Hui
5 films together
Daryl Hannah
4 films together
M. Emmet Walsh
4 films together
Dick Miller
4 films together
Michael Bowen
4 films together
His Top Genres 1
18% Action
+ 203 moreHis Top Years
8% 2007
+ 32 moreRole Type
100% Voice
1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.
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David Carradine FAQ
How old was David Carradine when he died?
72 years old.
When was David Carradine born?
8th December 1936
Where was David Carradine born?
Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA
What is David Carradine known for?
Has David Carradine won an Oscar?
No, he never won an Oscar.
Has David Carradine won a BAFTA?
No, he never won an BAFTA.
What ethnicity is David Carradine?
He was Caucasian.