The Filmaholic
David Milchard

David Milchard

51 years old. Born on 1st January 1974.
You've seen -- of his 15 trackable films

David Milchard is an actor with a career spanning 14 years, from 2007 to 2021, starting at the age of 33. His first film was White Noise 2: The Light and his latest film was A Clüsterfünke Christmas. A lot of his work has been in the Comedy and Drama genres.

Known For


Released Films (15)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
A Clüsterfünke Christmas poster A Clüsterfünke Christmas 2021 1h 27m
Panda vs. Aliens poster Panda vs. Aliens 2021 1h 20m
Plex Channel
A.R.C.H.I.E. 2: Mission Impawsible poster A.R.C.H.I.E. 2: Mission Impawsible 2018 1h 22m
Plex Channel
Little Pink House poster Little Pink House 2017 1h 38m
Plex Channel
Peacock Premium Plus
What An Idiot poster What An Idiot 2014 1h 44m
Monkey Up poster Monkey Up 2016 1h 23m
Plex Channel
Pixies poster Pixies 2015 1h 17m
Peacock Premium Plus
Russell Madness poster Russell Madness 2015 1h 32m
Plex Channel
Big Eyes poster Big Eyes 2014 1h 46m
Plex Channel
Peacock Premium Plus
It's Christmas, Carol! poster It's Christmas, Carol! 2012 1h 24m
The Company You Keep poster The Company You Keep 2012 2h 5m
Donovan's Echo poster Donovan's Echo 2011 1h 32m
Plex Channel
Peacock Premium Plus
Come Dance at My Wedding poster Come Dance at My Wedding 2009 2h 6m
Plex Channel
Peacock Premium Plus
A Valentine Carol poster A Valentine Carol 2007 1h 27m
White Noise 2: The Light poster White Noise 2: The Light 2007 1h 39m

Regularly Credited With

Michael Kopsa
Michael Kopsa
3 films together
Geoff Gustafson
Geoff Gustafson
3 films together
Chelah Horsdal
Chelah Horsdal
3 films together
Jill Morrison
Jill Morrison
3 films together
David James Lewis
David James Lewis
3 films together
Aaron Douglas
Aaron Douglas
2 films together
John Ratzenberger's profile
John Ratzenberger
2 films together
Lochlyn Munro's profile
Lochlyn Munro
2 films together
Sara Canning
Sara Canning
2 films together


His Top Genres 1
20% Comedy
+ 40 more
His Top Years
14% 2021
+ 9 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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David Milchard FAQ

How old is David Milchard?

51 years old.

When was David Milchard born?

1st January 1974

Where was David Milchard born?

His birth place is unknown at this time.

Has David Milchard won an Oscar?

No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.

Has David Milchard won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is David Milchard?

He is Caucasian.