The Filmaholic
Don Stroud

Don Stroud

81 years old. Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA on 1st September 1943.
You've seen -- of his 38 trackable films

Don Stroud is an actor with a career spanning 44 years, from 1968 to 2012, starting at the age of 25. His first film was Journey to Shiloh and his latest film was Django Unchained. A lot of his work has been in the Drama and Action genres.

Character Images

Known For


Released Films (38)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Django Unchained poster Django Unchained 2012 2h 45m
Men in White poster Men in White 1998 1h 23m
Dance with the Devil poster Dance with the Devil 1997 2h 6m
Hacks poster Hacks 1997 1h 33m
Precious Find poster Precious Find 1996 1h 25m
Criminal Hearts poster Criminal Hearts 1996 1h 32m
Soldier Boyz poster Soldier Boyz 1995 1h 30m
The Alien Within poster The Alien Within 1995 1h 15m
Dillinger and Capone poster Dillinger and Capone 1995 1h 35m
Plex Channel
Xumo Play
Peacock Premium Plus
Carnosaur 2 poster Carnosaur 2 1995 1h 23m
Legend of The Roller Blade Seven poster Legend of The Roller Blade Seven 1992 1h 30m
Return of the Roller Blade Seven poster Return of the Roller Blade Seven 1993 1h 18m
Cyber Seeker poster Cyber Seeker 1993 1h 30m
Frogtown II poster Frogtown II 1992 1h 30m
The Roller Blade Seven poster The Roller Blade Seven 1991 1h 36m
The Ballad of the Sad Cafe poster The Ballad of the Sad Cafe 1991 1h 41m
Twisted Justice poster Twisted Justice 1990 1h 30m
Plex Channel
Mob Boss poster Mob Boss 1990 1h 33m
Cartel poster Cartel 1990 1h 46m
Licence to Kill poster Licence to Kill
as Heller
1989 2h 13m
Mike Hammer: Murder Takes All poster Mike Hammer: Murder Takes All 1989 1h 32m
Armed and Dangerous poster Armed and Dangerous 1986 1h 28m
The Return of Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer poster The Return of Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer 1986 1h 34m
Sweet Sixteen poster Sweet Sixteen 1983 1h 30m
Plex Channel
The Amityville Horror poster The Amityville Horror 1979 1h 57m
Cinemax Apple TV Channel
The Buddy Holly Story poster The Buddy Holly Story 1978 1h 54m
The Choirboys poster The Choirboys 1977 1h 59m
Hollywood Man poster Hollywood Man 1976 1h 47m
Plex Channel
The Killer Inside Me poster The Killer Inside Me 1976 1h 39m
Cop on the Beat poster Cop on the Beat 1975 1h 13m
The Elevator poster The Elevator 1974 1h 15m
Slaughter's Big Rip Off poster Slaughter's Big Rip Off 1973 1h 33m
Scalawag poster Scalawag 1973 1h 32m
Joe Kidd poster Joe Kidd 1972 1h 28m
Bloody Mama poster Bloody Mama 1970 1h 30m
… tick… tick… tick… poster … tick… tick… tick… 1970 1h 40m
Coogan's Bluff poster Coogan's Bluff 1968 1h 33m
Journey to Shiloh poster Journey to Shiloh 1968 1h 41m

Regularly Credited With

Joe Estevez's profile
Joe Estevez
5 films together
William Smith's profile
William Smith
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Brion James's profile
Brion James
4 films together
Karen Black's profile
Karen Black
4 films together
Rhonda Shear
Rhonda Shear
4 films together
Zona Jaguar's profile
Zona Jaguar
4 films together
Stacy Keach's profile
Stacy Keach
3 films together
Jim Brown
Jim Brown
3 films together
Frank Stallone
Frank Stallone
3 films together


His Top Genres 1
17% Drama
+ 96 more
His Top Years
11% 1995
+ 21 more
Role Type
100% Support

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Don Stroud FAQ

How old is Don Stroud?

81 years old.

When was Don Stroud born?

1st September 1943

Where was Don Stroud born?

Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Has Don Stroud won an Oscar?

No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.

Has Don Stroud won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Don Stroud?

He is Caucasian.