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The Filmaholic
Doug Hutchison

Doug Hutchison

64 years old. Born in Dover, Delaware, USA on 26th May 1960.
You've seen -- of his 19 trackable films

Doug Hutchison is an actor with a career spanning 36 years, from 1988 to 2024, starting at the age of 28. His first film was The Chocolate War and his latest film will be Hope For The Holidays. A lot of his work has been in the Crime and Drama genres.

Known For


Upcoming Films (1)

Film Year Runtime Status Options
Bogie and Bacall poster Bogie and Bacall 2024 - Pre-Production

Released Films (18)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Hope For The Holidays poster Hope For The Holidays 2020 1h 33m
Give 'em Hell, Malone poster Give 'em Hell, Malone 2009 1h 36m
Punisher: War Zone poster Punisher: War Zone 2008 1h 43m
Plex Channel
The Burrowers poster The Burrowers 2008 1h 36m
Moola poster Moola 2007 1h 48m
Plex Channel
No Good Deed poster No Good Deed 2002 1h 37m
The Salton Sea poster The Salton Sea 2002 1h 43m
I Am Sam poster I Am Sam 2001 2h 12m
Bait poster Bait 2000 1h 59m
Shaft poster Shaft 2000 1h 39m
Paramount+ with Showtime
The Green Mile poster The Green Mile 1999 3h 9m
Love Always poster Love Always 1996 1h 30m
Batman & Robin poster Batman & Robin 1997 2h 5m
Con Air poster Con Air
as Donald
1997 1h 55m
A Time to Kill poster A Time to Kill 1996 2h 29m
The Lawnmower Man poster The Lawnmower Man 1992 1h 48m
Plex Channel
Fresh Horses poster Fresh Horses 1988 1h 45m
The Chocolate War poster The Chocolate War 1988 1h 40m

Regularly Credited With

Samuel L. Jackson's profile
Samuel L. Jackson
3 films together
Ving Rhames's profile
Ving Rhames
2 films together
David Morse's profile
David Morse
2 films together
Danny Trejo's profile
Danny Trejo
2 films together
Pat Hingle's profile
Pat Hingle
2 films together
Beth Grant's profile
Beth Grant
2 films together
Eileen Ryan
Eileen Ryan
2 films together
Jenny Wright
Jenny Wright
2 films together
John Glover
John Glover
2 films together


His Top Genres 1
13% Crime
+ 63 more
His Top Years
11% 2008
+ 12 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Doug Hutchison FAQ

How old is Doug Hutchison?

64 years old.

When was Doug Hutchison born?

26th May 1960

Where was Doug Hutchison born?

Dover, Delaware, USA

How tall is Doug Hutchison?

168 centimeters, or 5 feet 6 inches

Has Doug Hutchison won an Oscar?

No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.

Has Doug Hutchison won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Doug Hutchison?

He is Caucasian.