The Filmaholic

Eric Spudic

45 years old. Born on 27th June 1979.
You've seen -- of his 6 trackable films

Eric Spudic is an actor with a career spanning 18 years, from 2004 to 2022, starting at the age of 25. His first film was Dead Clowns and his latest film was Night of the Tommyknockers. A lot of his work has been in the Horror and Science Fiction genres.

Known For


Released Films (6)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Night of the Tommyknockers poster Night of the Tommyknockers 2022 1h 26m
Plex Channel
Clawed poster Clawed 2017 1h 35m
Dire Wolf poster Dire Wolf 2009 1h 27m
100 Million BC poster 100 Million BC 2008 1h 25m
Plex Channel
Psychon Invaders poster Psychon Invaders 2006 1h 30m
Dead Clowns poster Dead Clowns 2004 1h 35m

Regularly Credited With

Robert LaSardo's profile
Robert LaSardo
1 film together
Tom Sizemore's profile
Tom Sizemore
1 film together
Brinke Stevens's profile
Brinke Stevens
1 film together
Geoff Meed
Geoff Meed
1 film together
Michael Gross's profile
Michael Gross
1 film together
Stephen Blackehart
Stephen Blackehart
1 film together
Jessica Morris's profile
Jessica Morris
1 film together
Richard Grieco
Richard Grieco
1 film together


His Top Genres 1
29% Horror
+ 13 more
His Top Years
17% 2022
+ 5 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Eric Spudic FAQ

How old is Eric Spudic?

45 years old.

When was Eric Spudic born?

27th June 1979

Where was Eric Spudic born?

His birth place is unknown at this time.

Has Eric Spudic won an Oscar?

No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.

Has Eric Spudic won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.