The Filmaholic
Ethan Phillips

Ethan Phillips

70 years old. Born in Garden City, Long Island, New York, USA on 8th February 1955.
You've seen -- of his 34 trackable films

Ethan Phillips is an actor with a career spanning 37 years, from 1981 to 2018, starting at the age of 26. His first film was Ragtime and his latest film was Most Likely to Murder. A lot of his work has been in the Drama and Comedy genres.

Character Images

Known For


Released Films (34)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Most Likely to Murder poster Most Likely to Murder 2018 1h 39m
Future '38 poster Future '38 2017 1h 15m
Plex Channel
Miles poster Miles 2016 1h 30m
Plex Channel
Peacock Premium Plus
The Purge: Election Year poster The Purge: Election Year 2016 1h 45m
All the Way poster All the Way 2016 2h 12m
Irrational Man poster Irrational Man 2015 1h 35m
The Adventures of RoboRex poster The Adventures of RoboRex 2014 1h 30m
Inside Llewyn Davis poster Inside Llewyn Davis 2013 1h 44m
Coffin Baby poster Coffin Baby 2013 1h 25m
Plex Channel
Dahmer vs. Gacy poster Dahmer vs. Gacy 2010 1h 30m
Keith poster Keith 2008 1h 33m
The Babysitters poster The Babysitters 2007 1h 28m
Plex Channel
Hallowed Ground poster Hallowed Ground 2007 1h 23m
Plex Channel
Have Dreams, Will Travel poster Have Dreams, Will Travel 2007 1h 26m
The Island poster The Island 2005 2h 16m
Cerebral Print: The Secret Files poster Cerebral Print: The Secret Files 2005 1h 28m
Bad Santa poster Bad Santa
as Roger Merman
2003 1h 32m
Rugrats Go Wild poster Rugrats Go Wild 2003 1h 24m
Star Trek: Voyager - Dark Frontier poster Star Trek: Voyager - Dark Frontier 1999 1h 29m
The Lost World poster The Lost World 1998 45m
For Richer or Poorer poster For Richer or Poorer 1997 1h 55m
Jeffrey poster Jeffrey 1995 1h 32m
Peacock Premium Plus
Wagons East! poster Wagons East!
as Smedly
1994 1h 47m
Plex Channel
The Shadow poster The Shadow 1994 1h 48m
The Man Without a Face poster The Man Without a Face 1993 1h 55m
Peacock Premium Plus
Rain Without Thunder poster Rain Without Thunder 1992 1h 25m
Critters 3 poster Critters 3 1991 1h 25m
Plex Channel
Green Card poster Green Card 1990 1h 48m
Glory poster Glory 1989 2h 2m
Bloodhounds of Broadway poster Bloodhounds of Broadway 1989 1h 33m
Lean On Me poster Lean On Me 1989 1h 48m
Burglar poster Burglar 1987 1h 43m
Critters poster Critters 1986 1h 26m
Plex Channel
Ragtime poster Ragtime 1981 2h 35m

Regularly Credited With

Stephen Root's profile
Stephen Root
3 films together
Morgan Freeman's profile
Morgan Freeman
2 films together
John Goodman's profile
John Goodman
2 films together
Steve Buscemi's profile
Steve Buscemi
2 films together
Jeff Daniels's profile
Jeff Daniels
2 films together
Tim Curry's profile
Tim Curry
2 films together
Abraham Benrubi
Abraham Benrubi
2 films together
Alan North's profile
Alan North
2 films together
Ann Dowd's profile
Ann Dowd
2 films together


His Top Genres 1
18% Drama
+ 92 more
His Top Years
9% 2016
+ 23 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Ethan Phillips FAQ

How old is Ethan Phillips?

70 years old.

When was Ethan Phillips born?

8th February 1955

Where was Ethan Phillips born?

Garden City, Long Island, New York, USA

What is Ethan Phillips known for?
Has Ethan Phillips won an Oscar?

No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.

Has Ethan Phillips won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Ethan Phillips?

He is Caucasian.