The Filmaholic
Grayson Thorne Kilpatrick

Grayson Thorne Kilpatrick

20 years old. Born in Huntsville, Alabama, USA on 1st April 2004.
You've seen -- of his 4 trackable films

Grayson Thorne Kilpatrick is an actor with a career spanning 12 years, from 2013 to 2025, starting at the age of 9. His first film was Space Warriors and his latest film will be Flowervale Street. A lot of his work has been in the Adventure and Drama genres.


Upcoming Films (1)

Film Year Runtime Status Options
Flowervale Street poster Flowervale Street 2025 - Unknown Status

Released Films (3)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Black Pumpkin poster Black Pumpkin 2018 1h 31m
Dead Women Walking poster Dead Women Walking 2018 1h 40m
Space Warriors poster Space Warriors 2013 1h 33m

Regularly Credited With

Anne Hathaway's profile
Anne Hathaway
1 film together
Ewan McGregor's profile
Ewan McGregor
1 film together
Danny Glover's profile
Danny Glover
1 film together
Mira Sorvino's profile
Mira Sorvino
1 film together
Josh Lucas's profile
Josh Lucas
1 film together
Ashton Sanders's profile
Ashton Sanders
1 film together
Chris Ashworth
Chris Ashworth
1 film together
Chris Coy
Chris Coy
1 film together
Colleen Camp's profile
Colleen Camp
1 film together


His Top Genres 1
20% Adventure
+ 9 more
His Top Years
50% 2018
+ 2 more
Top Character Types
100% High School Student
Role Type
100% Lead

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Grayson Thorne Kilpatrick FAQ

How old is Grayson Thorne Kilpatrick?

20 years old.

When was Grayson Thorne Kilpatrick born?

1st April 2004

Where was Grayson Thorne Kilpatrick born?

Huntsville, Alabama, USA

What is Grayson Thorne Kilpatrick known for?
Has Grayson Thorne Kilpatrick won an Oscar?

No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.

Has Grayson Thorne Kilpatrick won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Grayson Thorne Kilpatrick?

He is Caucasian.