The Filmaholic
José María Sacristán

José María Sacristán

67 years old. Born in Madrid, Spain on 3rd April 1957.
You've seen -- of his 12 trackable films

José María Sacristán is an actor with a career spanning 21 years, from 1991 to 2012, starting at the age of 34. His first film was High Heels and his latest film was Ghost Graduation. A lot of his work has been in the Comedy and Crime genres.

Character Images

Known For


Released Films (12)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Ghost Graduation poster Ghost Graduation 2012 1h 28m
Torrente 4: Lethal crisis poster Torrente 4: Lethal crisis 2011 1h 33m
Goya's Ghosts poster Goya's Ghosts 2006 1h 54m
Plex Channel
Peacock Premium Plus
The Ferpect Crime poster The Ferpect Crime 2004 1h 45m
Moscow Gold poster Moscow Gold 2003 1h 40m
Killer Housewives poster Killer Housewives 2001 1h 45m
Common Wealth poster Common Wealth 2000 1h 45m
Heart of the Warrior poster Heart of the Warrior 1999 1h 51m
Todo es mentira poster Todo es mentira 1994 1h 39m
Everyone Off to Jail poster Everyone Off to Jail 1993 1h 39m
The Dead Mother poster The Dead Mother
as Nurse
1993 1h 52m
Plex Channel
High Heels poster High Heels 1991 1h 54m

Regularly Credited With

Santiago Segura's profile
Santiago Segura
6 films together
Eduardo Gómez
Eduardo Gómez
4 films together
Antonio de la Torre's profile
Antonio de la Torre
3 films together
Jesús Bonilla
Jesús Bonilla
3 films together
Enrique Villén
Enrique Villén
3 films together
Javier Jurdao's profile
Javier Jurdao
3 films together
Biaffra's profile
3 films together
Antonio Resines
Antonio Resines
3 films together
Neus Asensi
Neus Asensi
3 films together


His Top Genres 1
35% Comedy
+ 25 more
His Top Years
17% 1993
+ 10 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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José María Sacristán FAQ

How old is José María Sacristán?

67 years old.

When was José María Sacristán born?

3rd April 1957

Where was José María Sacristán born?

Madrid, Spain

Has José María Sacristán won an Oscar?

No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.

Has José María Sacristán won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is José María Sacristán?

He is Caucasian.