The Filmaholic
Judd Omen

Judd Omen

85 years old. Born in Los Angeles, California, USA on 4th February 1940.
You've seen -- of his 10 trackable films

Judd Omen is an actor with a career spanning 18 years, from 1980 to 1998, starting at the age of 40. His first film was Seems Like Old Times and his latest film was Inferno. A lot of his work has been in the Action and Science Fiction genres.

Known For


Released Films (10)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Inferno poster Inferno 1998 1h 26m
Plex Channel
Dollman vs. Demonic Toys poster Dollman vs. Demonic Toys 1993 1h 4m
Bounty Tracker poster Bounty Tracker 1993 1h 26m
Plex Channel
Dollman poster Dollman 1991 1h 22m
C.H.U.D. II: Bud the Chud poster C.H.U.D. II: Bud the Chud 1989 1h 25m
Plex Channel
Howling II: Stirba - Werewolf Bitch poster Howling II: Stirba - Werewolf Bitch 1985 1h 31m
Pee-wee's Big Adventure poster Pee-wee's Big Adventure 1985 1h 31m
Dune poster Dune
as Jamis
1984 2h 17m
Red Dawn poster Red Dawn 1984 1h 54m
Seems Like Old Times poster Seems Like Old Times 1980 1h 42m

Regularly Credited With

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Jackie Earle Haley
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Tim Thomerson
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Frank Birney
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Eugene Robert Glazer
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Christopher Lee's profile
Christopher Lee
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Patrick Stewart's profile
Patrick Stewart
1 film together
Patrick Swayze's profile
Patrick Swayze
1 film together


His Top Genres 1
20% Action
+ 29 more
His Top Years
20% 1993
+ 6 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Judd Omen FAQ

How old is Judd Omen?

85 years old.

When was Judd Omen born?

4th February 1940

Where was Judd Omen born?

Los Angeles, California, USA

Has Judd Omen won an Oscar?

No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.

Has Judd Omen won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Judd Omen?

He is Mixed Race.