The Filmaholic
Kevin Tighe

Kevin Tighe

80 years old. Born in Los Angeles, California, USA on 13th August 1944.
You've seen -- of his 27 trackable films

Kevin Tighe is an actor with a career spanning 42 years, from 1967 to 2009, starting at the age of 23. His first film was The Graduate and his latest film was My Bloody Valentine. A lot of his work has been in the Drama and Comedy genres.

Character Images

Known For


Released Films (27)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
My Bloody Valentine poster My Bloody Valentine
as Ben Foley
2009 1h 41m
Plex Channel
Today You Die poster Today You Die 2005 1h 32m
The Deal poster The Deal 2005 1h 47m
Fast Food High poster Fast Food High 2003 1h 32m
The Big Day poster The Big Day 1999 1h 28m
Mumford poster Mumford 1999 1h 52m
Winchell poster Winchell 1998 1h 45m
Race the Sun poster Race the Sun 1996 1h 40m
Jade poster Jade 1995 1h 35m
Escape to Witch Mountain poster Escape to Witch Mountain 1995 1h 27m
The Avenging Angel poster The Avenging Angel 1995 1h 31m
Men of War poster Men of War 1994 1h 43m
Plex Channel
Peacock Premium Plus
What's Eating Gilbert Grape poster What's Eating Gilbert Grape 1993 1h 58m
Geronimo: An American Legend poster Geronimo: An American Legend 1993 1h 55m
Caught in the Act poster Caught in the Act 1993 1h 45m
School Ties poster School Ties 1992 1h 46m
Newsies poster Newsies 1992 2h 1m
City of Hope poster City of Hope 1991 2h 9m
Bright Angel poster Bright Angel 1990 1h 33m
Another 48 Hrs. poster Another 48 Hrs. 1990 1h 35m
Road House poster Road House
as Frank Tilghman
1989 1h 54m
Lost Angels poster Lost Angels 1989 1h 56m
K-9 poster K-9 1989 1h 41m
Eight Men Out poster Eight Men Out 1988 1h 59m
Matewan poster Matewan 1987 2h 12m
The Rebels poster The Rebels 1979 4h
The Graduate poster The Graduate
as Carter (Showering Fraternity Brother)
1967 1h 46m

Regularly Credited With

David Strathairn's profile
David Strathairn
3 films together
Tom Wright's profile
Tom Wright
3 films together
John Sayles
John Sayles
3 films together
Maggie Renzi's profile
Maggie Renzi
3 films together
Matt Damon's profile
Matt Damon
2 films together
Robert Duvall's profile
Robert Duvall
2 films together
Elisabeth Moss's profile
Elisabeth Moss
2 films together
Jim Belushi's profile
Jim Belushi
2 films together
Bill Pullman's profile
Bill Pullman
2 films together


His Top Genres 1
24% Drama
+ 62 more
His Top Years
12% 1995
+ 16 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Kevin Tighe FAQ

How old is Kevin Tighe?

80 years old.

When was Kevin Tighe born?

13th August 1944

Where was Kevin Tighe born?

Los Angeles, California, USA

Has Kevin Tighe won an Oscar?

No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.

Has Kevin Tighe won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Kevin Tighe?

He is Caucasian.