Louis Mustillo
66 years old.
Born in Buffalo, New York, USA
on 28th May 1958.
You've seen -- of his 14 trackable films
Louis Mustillo is an actor with a career spanning 31 years, from 1992 to 2023, starting at the age of 34. His first film was Passed Away and his latest film was All You Need Is Blood. A lot of his work has been in the Comedy and Drama genres.
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Character Images
Known For
Released Films (14)
Film | Film | Year | Runtime | Rating | Streaming | Options | |||
All You Need Is Blood | 2023 | 1h 39m | |||||||
Bobcat Moretti | 2022 | 1h 36m |
Cold Brook | 2018 | 1h 40m |
Wetlands | 2017 | 1h 38m |
City Island | 2009 | 1h 44m |
The Narrows | 2008 | 1h 47m |
My Sassy Girl | 2008 | 1h 32m | |||||||
Wishcraft | 2002 | 1h 42m |
Dudley Do-Right | 1999 | 1h 17m | |||||||
Just the Ticket | 1998 | 1h 55m | |||||||
The Last Big Thing | 1996 | 1h 38m | |||||||
Hellraiser IV: Bloodline
as Sharpe
1996 | 1h 26m |
Midnight Run for Your Life | 1994 | 1h 40m | |||||||
Passed Away | 1992 | 1h 36m |
Regularly Credited With
Andy Garcia
2 films together
Patrick Breen
2 films together
Christopher McDonald
2 films together
Ronald Guttman
2 films together
Richard Bradford
2 films together
Mark Ruffalo
1 film together
Alfred Molina
1 film together
Andie MacDowell
1 film together
Frances McDormand
1 film together
His Top Genres 1
25% Comedy
+ 32 moreHis Top Years
15% 2008
+ 11 more1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.
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Louis Mustillo FAQ
How old is Louis Mustillo?
66 years old.
When was Louis Mustillo born?
28th May 1958
Where was Louis Mustillo born?
Buffalo, New York, USA
What is Louis Mustillo known for?
Has Louis Mustillo won an Oscar?
No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.
Has Louis Mustillo won a BAFTA?
No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.
What ethnicity is Louis Mustillo?
He is Caucasian.