The Filmaholic
Martin Wuttke

Martin Wuttke

63 years old. Born in Gelsenkirchen, Germany on 8th February 1962.
You've seen -- of his 10 trackable films

Martin Wuttke is an actor with a career spanning 18 years, from 2003 to 2021, starting at the age of 41. His first film was Inglourious Basterds and his latest film was Munich: The Edge of War. A lot of his work has been in the Drama and Thriller genres.

Known For


Released Films (10)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Munich: The Edge of War poster Munich: The Edge of War 2021 2h 9m
A Hidden Life poster A Hidden Life 2019 2h 54m
54 Hours: The Gladbeck Hostage Crisis poster 54 Hours: The Gladbeck Hostage Crisis 2018 2h 56m
The Duelist poster The Duelist 2016 1h 50m
Colonia poster Colonia 2015 1h 46m
Peacock Premium Plus
A Most Wanted Man poster A Most Wanted Man 2014 2h 1m
Cloud Atlas poster Cloud Atlas 2012 2h 52m
Hanna poster Hanna 2011 1h 51m
Inglourious Basterds poster Inglourious Basterds
as Hitler
2009 2h 33m
Hamlet_X poster Hamlet_X 2003 1h 12m

Regularly Credited With

Daniel Brühl's profile
Daniel Brühl
3 films together
Vicky Krieps
Vicky Krieps
3 films together
August Diehl
August Diehl
3 films together
Sebastian Hülk's profile
Sebastian Hülk
3 films together
Michael Nyqvist's profile
Michael Nyqvist
2 films together
Ulrich Matthes
Ulrich Matthes
2 films together
Alexander Scheer
Alexander Scheer
2 films together
Alexander Fehling
Alexander Fehling
2 films together
Rainer Bock
Rainer Bock
2 films together


His Top Genres 1
23% Drama
+ 39 more
His Top Years
10% 2021
+ 9 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Martin Wuttke FAQ

How old is Martin Wuttke?

63 years old.

When was Martin Wuttke born?

8th February 1962

Where was Martin Wuttke born?

Gelsenkirchen, Germany

Has Martin Wuttke won an Oscar?

No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.

Has Martin Wuttke won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Martin Wuttke?

He is Caucasian.