The Filmaholic
Massimo Vanni

Massimo Vanni

78 years old. Born in Rome, Lazio, Italy on 8th July 1946.
You've seen -- of his 18 trackable films

Massimo Vanni is an actor with a career spanning 32 years, from 1973 to 2005, starting at the age of 27. His first film was High Crime and his latest film was Romanzo Criminale. A lot of his work has been in the Action and Horror genres.

Character Images

Known For


Released Films (18)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Romanzo Criminale poster Romanzo Criminale 2005 2h 32m
Five Moons Plaza poster Five Moons Plaza 2003 1h 55m
Gangs of New York poster Gangs of New York 2002 2h 47m
Cinemax Apple TV Channel
Black Angel poster Black Angel 2002 2h 8m
The Wax Mask poster The Wax Mask 1997 1h 38m
Troma NOW
After Death poster After Death 1989 1h 28m
Plex Channel
Troma NOW
Shocking Dark poster Shocking Dark 1989 1h 30m
Troma NOW
Zombie 3 poster Zombie 3 1988 1h 36m
Troma NOW
Rats: Night of Terror poster Rats: Night of Terror 1984 1h 37m
Escape from the Bronx poster Escape from the Bronx
as Big Little Man
1983 1h 29m
1990: The Bronx Warriors poster 1990: The Bronx Warriors
as Blade
1982 1h 29m
Plex Channel
The Last Shark poster The Last Shark 1981 1h 28m
Day of the Cobra poster Day of the Cobra 1980 1h 35m
The Inglorious Bastards poster The Inglorious Bastards 1978 1h 39m
Plex Channel
Keoma poster Keoma 1976 1h 40m
Plex Channel
Cry, Onion! poster Cry, Onion! 1975 1h 32m
Street Law poster Street Law 1974 1h 43m
High Crime poster High Crime 1973 1h 43m

Regularly Credited With

Romano Puppo's profile
Romano Puppo
7 films together
Enzo G. Castellari
Enzo G. Castellari
7 films together
Franco Nero
Franco Nero
5 films together
Angelo Ragusa
Angelo Ragusa
5 films together
Ottaviano Dell'Acqua
Ottaviano Dell'Acqua
5 films together
Rocco Lerro
Rocco Lerro
4 films together
Ennio Girolami
Ennio Girolami
4 films together
Joshua Sinclair
Joshua Sinclair
4 films together


His Top Genres 1
16% Action
+ 43 more
His Top Years
12% 2002
+ 15 more
Role Type
100% Support

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Massimo Vanni FAQ

How old is Massimo Vanni?

78 years old.

When was Massimo Vanni born?

8th July 1946

Where was Massimo Vanni born?

Rome, Lazio, Italy

Has Massimo Vanni won an Oscar?

No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.

Has Massimo Vanni won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Massimo Vanni?

He is Caucasian.