The Filmaholic
Michael Wincott

Michael Wincott

67 years old. Born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on 21st January 1958.
You've seen -- of his 35 trackable films

Michael Wincott is an actor with a career spanning 43 years, from 1979 to 2022, starting at the age of 21. His first film was Wild Horse Hank and his latest film was Nope. A lot of his work has been in the Drama and Action genres.

Character Images

Known For


Released Films (35)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Nope poster Nope 2022 2h 10m
Ghost in the Shell poster Ghost in the Shell 2017 1h 47m
Forsaken poster Forsaken 2015 1h 30m
Plex Channel
Knight of Cups poster Knight of Cups 2015 1h 58m
Plex Channel
Peacock Premium Plus
The Girl from Nagasaki poster The Girl from Nagasaki 2013 1h 47m
Hitchcock poster Hitchcock 2012 1h 38m
What Just Happened poster What Just Happened 2008 1h 44m
Plex Channel
Halo 3 Essentials poster Halo 3 Essentials 2007 -
Seraphim Falls poster Seraphim Falls 2006 1h 55m
Xumo Play
The Assassination of Richard Nixon poster The Assassination of Richard Nixon 2004 1h 35m
Treasure Planet poster Treasure Planet 2002 1h 35m
The Count of Monte Cristo poster The Count of Monte Cristo 2002 2h 11m
Along Came a Spider poster Along Came a Spider
as Gary Soneji
2001 1h 44m
Before Night Falls poster Before Night Falls 2000 2h 14m
Hidden Agenda poster Hidden Agenda 1999 1h 35m
Alien Resurrection poster Alien Resurrection
as Elgyn
1997 1h 49m
Metro poster Metro 1997 1h 57m
Basquiat poster Basquiat 1996 1h 48m
Dead Man poster Dead Man 1995 2h 1m
Strange Days poster Strange Days 1995 2h 25m
The Crow poster The Crow 1994 1h 42m
The Three Musketeers poster The Three Musketeers 1993 1h 45m
Romeo Is Bleeding poster Romeo Is Bleeding 1993 1h 40m
1492: Conquest of Paradise poster 1492: Conquest of Paradise 1992 2h 34m
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves poster Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
as Guy of Gisborne
1991 2h 23m
The Doors poster The Doors 1991 2h 20m
The Tragedy of Flight 103: The Inside Story poster The Tragedy of Flight 103: The Inside Story 1990 2h 30m
Born on the Fourth of July poster Born on the Fourth of July 1989 2h 25m
Bloodhounds of Broadway poster Bloodhounds of Broadway 1989 1h 33m
Talk Radio poster Talk Radio 1988 1h 50m
The Sicilian poster The Sicilian 1987 1h 56m
Curtains poster Curtains 1983 1h 29m
Peacock Premium Plus
Circle of Two poster Circle of Two 1981 1h 46m
Plex Channel
Nothing Personal poster Nothing Personal 1980 1h 37m
Wild Horse Hank poster Wild Horse Hank 1979 1h 36m

Regularly Credited With

Sean Penn's profile
Sean Penn
3 films together
Ron Perlman's profile
Ron Perlman
3 films together
Christopher Adamson
Christopher Adamson
3 films together
Gary Oldman's profile
Gary Oldman
2 films together
Johnny Depp's profile
Johnny Depp
2 films together
Scarlett Johansson's profile
Scarlett Johansson
2 films together
Kiefer Sutherland's profile
Kiefer Sutherland
2 films together
Morgan Freeman's profile
Morgan Freeman
2 films together
Sigourney Weaver's profile
Sigourney Weaver
2 films together


His Top Genres 1
19% Drama
+ 119 more
His Top Years
6% 2015
+ 27 more
Top Character Types
34% Director
+ 2 more
Hero or Villain?
100% Bad
+ 1 more
Role Type
100% Support

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Michael Wincott FAQ

How old is Michael Wincott?

67 years old.

When was Michael Wincott born?

21st January 1958

Where was Michael Wincott born?

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Has Michael Wincott won an Oscar?

No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.

Has Michael Wincott won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Michael Wincott?

He is Caucasian.