The Filmaholic
Nestor Serrano

Nestor Serrano

69 years old. Born in Bronx, New York, USA on 5th November 1955.
You've seen -- of his 28 trackable films

Nestor Serrano is an actor with a career spanning 31 years, from 1986 to 2017, starting at the age of 31. His first film was The Money Pit and his latest film was Clinical. A lot of his work has been in the Action and Thriller genres.

Known For


Released Films (28)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Clinical poster Clinical 2017 1h 44m
The Horde poster The Horde 2016 1h 28m
Plex Channel
Unity poster Unity 2015 1h 39m
Ana Maria in Novela Land poster Ana Maria in Novela Land 2015 1h 29m
Peacock Premium Plus
Sniper: Legacy poster Sniper: Legacy 2014 1h 34m
Notes from Dad poster Notes from Dad 2013 -
UP Faith & Family Apple TV Channel
Act of Valor poster Act of Valor 2012 1h 50m
Secretariat poster Secretariat 2010 2h 3m
Definitely, Maybe poster Definitely, Maybe 2008 1h 52m
The Man poster The Man 2005 1h 23m
The Day After Tomorrow poster The Day After Tomorrow 2004 2h 4m
Runaway Jury poster Runaway Jury 2003 2h 7m
Empire poster Empire 2002 1h 30m
City by the Sea poster City by the Sea 2002 1h 48m
Plex Channel
Showtime poster Showtime 2002 1h 35m
Bait poster Bait 2000 1h 59m
Bringing Out the Dead poster Bringing Out the Dead 1999 2h 1m
The Insider poster The Insider 1999 2h 38m
The Negotiator poster The Negotiator 1998 2h 20m
Plex Channel
Daylight poster Daylight 1996 1h 54m
City Hall poster City Hall 1996 1h 51m
The Indian in the Cupboard poster The Indian in the Cupboard 1995 1h 36m
Bad Boys poster Bad Boys
as Detective Sanchez
1995 1h 59m
I Love Trouble poster I Love Trouble 1994 2h 3m
Hangin' with the Homeboys poster Hangin' with the Homeboys 1991 1h 29m
Lethal Weapon 2 poster Lethal Weapon 2 1989 1h 54m
Brenda Starr poster Brenda Starr 1989 1h 33m
The Money Pit poster The Money Pit 1986 1h 31m

Regularly Credited With

Cliff Curtis's profile
Cliff Curtis
3 films together
Frankie Faison's profile
Frankie Faison
3 films together
Afemo Omilami
Afemo Omilami
3 films together
Al Pacino's profile
Al Pacino
2 films together
Robert De Niro's profile
Robert De Niro
2 films together
Samuel L. Jackson's profile
Samuel L. Jackson
2 films together
Rachel Weisz's profile
Rachel Weisz
2 films together
John Cusack's profile
John Cusack
2 films together
Kevin Spacey's profile
Kevin Spacey
2 films together


His Top Genres 1
13% Action
+ 98 more
His Top Years
11% 2002
+ 20 more
Top Character Types
100% FBI Agent

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Nestor Serrano FAQ

How old is Nestor Serrano?

69 years old.

When was Nestor Serrano born?

5th November 1955

Where was Nestor Serrano born?

Bronx, New York, USA

Has Nestor Serrano won an Oscar?

No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.

Has Nestor Serrano won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Nestor Serrano?

He is Hispanic/Latinx.