The Filmaholic
Nitin Ganatra

Nitin Ganatra

56 years old. Born in Kenya on 21st February 1968.
You've seen -- of his 14 trackable films

Nitin Ganatra is an actor with a career spanning 34 years, from 1990 to 2024, starting at the age of 22. His first film was Truly Madly Deeply and his latest film was Seize Them!. A lot of his work has been in the Drama and Comedy genres.

Known For


Released Films (14)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Seize Them! poster Seize Them! 2024 1h 31m
Hellboy poster Hellboy 2019 2h 1m
The Cow That Almost Missed Christmas poster The Cow That Almost Missed Christmas 2012 30m
Shifty poster Shifty 2008 1h 25m
The Hunting Party poster The Hunting Party 2007 1h 41m
Plex Channel
The Secret Policeman's Ball: The Ball in the Hall poster The Secret Policeman's Ball: The Ball in the Hall 2006 1h 10m
Land of the Blind poster Land of the Blind 2006 1h 50m
Plex Channel
Colour Me Kubrick poster Colour Me Kubrick 2005 1h 26m
Plex Channel
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory poster Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
as Prince Pondicherry
2005 1h 55m
Piccadilly Jim poster Piccadilly Jim 2004 1h 37m
Plex Channel
Inferno poster Inferno 2002 28m
Pure poster Pure 2002 1h 36m
Secrets & Lies poster Secrets & Lies 1996 2h 22m
Truly Madly Deeply poster Truly Madly Deeply 1990 1h 46m

Regularly Credited With

Jessica Hynes
Jessica Hynes
3 films together
Brenda Blethyn's profile
Brenda Blethyn
2 films together
Richard Syms
Richard Syms
2 films together
Richard E. Grant's profile
Richard E. Grant
2 films together
Tom Hollander's profile
Tom Hollander
2 films together
Tamsin Greig
Tamsin Greig
2 films together
Kevin Eldon
Kevin Eldon
2 films together
Ron Cook
Ron Cook
2 films together
Marc Warren
Marc Warren
2 films together


His Top Genres 1
19% Drama
+ 31 more
His Top Years
15% 2006
+ 10 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Nitin Ganatra FAQ

How old is Nitin Ganatra?

56 years old.

When was Nitin Ganatra born?

21st February 1968

Where was Nitin Ganatra born?


Has Nitin Ganatra won an Oscar?

No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.

Has Nitin Ganatra won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Nitin Ganatra?

He is Asian.