The Filmaholic
Ron Eldard

Ron Eldard

59 years old. Born in Long Island, New York, USA on 20th February 1965.
You've seen -- of his 24 trackable films

Ron Eldard is an actor with a career spanning 26 years, from 1988 to 2014, starting at the age of 23. His first film was Maniac Cop and his latest film was Poker Night. A lot of his work has been in the Drama and Thriller genres.

Character Images

Known For


Released Films (24)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Poker Night poster Poker Night 2014 1h 44m
Plex Channel
Peacock Premium Plus
Jobs poster Jobs 2013 2h 8m
Peacock Premium Plus
Roadie poster Roadie 2011 1h 35m
Plex Channel
Super 8 poster Super 8 2011 1h 52m
Already Dead poster Already Dead 2007 1h 33m
Freedomland poster Freedomland 2006 1h 53m
Diggers poster Diggers 2006 1h 36m
Fathers and Sons poster Fathers and Sons 2005 1h 41m
House of Sand and Fog poster House of Sand and Fog 2003 2h 6m
Ghost Ship poster Ghost Ship
as Dodge
2002 1h 31m
Just a Kiss poster Just a Kiss 2002 1h 29m
Black Hawk Down poster Black Hawk Down 2001 2h 24m
Bash: Latter-Day Plays poster Bash: Latter-Day Plays 2001 1h 41m
Death of a Salesman poster Death of a Salesman 2000 2h 55m
Mystery, Alaska poster Mystery, Alaska 1999 1h 59m
The Runner poster The Runner 1999 1h 34m
When Trumpets Fade poster When Trumpets Fade 1998 1h 35m
Deep Impact poster Deep Impact 1998 1h 30m
Bastard Out of Carolina poster Bastard Out of Carolina 1996 1h 37m
Sleepers poster Sleepers 1996 2h 27m
The Last Supper poster The Last Supper 1995 1h 32m
Scent of a Woman poster Scent of a Woman 1992 2h 36m
Drop Dead Fred poster Drop Dead Fred 1991 1h 43m
Maniac Cop poster Maniac Cop 1988 1h 25m
Plex Channel
Troma NOW
Peacock Premium Plus

Regularly Credited With

Paul Rudd's profile
Paul Rudd
2 films together
Ron Perlman's profile
Ron Perlman
2 films together
Bobby Cannavale's profile
Bobby Cannavale
2 films together
Dermot Mulroney's profile
Dermot Mulroney
2 films together
Gerry Becker's profile
Gerry Becker
2 films together
Mary McCormack
Mary McCormack
2 films together
Bradley Whitford's profile
Bradley Whitford
2 films together
Jeffrey Donovan's profile
Jeffrey Donovan
2 films together
Al Pacino's profile
Al Pacino
1 film together


His Top Genres 1
22% Drama
+ 78 more
His Top Years
9% 2011
+ 16 more
Top Character Types
100% Cop
Role Type
50% Support
+ 1 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Ron Eldard FAQ

How old is Ron Eldard?

59 years old.

When was Ron Eldard born?

20th February 1965

Where was Ron Eldard born?

Long Island, New York, USA

Has Ron Eldard won an Oscar?

No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.

Has Ron Eldard won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Ron Eldard?

He is Caucasian.