Weekly Trend:
Known For
Regularly Credited With
Mark Boone Junior
6 films together
David Rowlands
6 films together
Steve Buscemi
5 films together
Gena Rowlands
5 films together
John Cassavetes
5 films together
Dennis Hopper
4 films together
Luke Wilson
4 films together
Harry Dean Stanton
4 films together
Jennifer Tilly
4 films together
His Top Genres 1
25% Drama
+ 216 moreHis Top Years
7% 1994
+ 44 moreTop Character Types
100% Cop
Role Type
100% Minor
1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.
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Seymour Cassel FAQ
How old was Seymour Cassel when he died?
84 years old.
When was Seymour Cassel born?
22nd January 1935
Where was Seymour Cassel born?
Detroit, Michigan, USA
What is Seymour Cassel known for?
Has Seymour Cassel won an Oscar?
No, he never won an Oscar.
Has Seymour Cassel won a BAFTA?
No, he never won an BAFTA.
What ethnicity is Seymour Cassel?
He was Caucasian.