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The Filmaholic
Takeshi Kitano

Takeshi Kitano

77 years old. Born in Tokyo, Japan on 18th January 1947.
You've seen -- of his 45 trackable films

Takeshi Kitano is an actor with a career spanning 48 years, from 1969 to 2017, starting at the age of 22. His first film was Makoto-chan and his latest film was Outrage Coda. A lot of his work has been in the Drama and Crime genres.

Known For


Released Films (45)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Outrage Coda poster Outrage Coda 2017 1h 45m
Plex Channel
Prison Break poster Prison Break 2017 1h 48m
Ghost in the Shell poster Ghost in the Shell 2017 1h 47m
A Living Promise poster A Living Promise 2016 2h
Aka Medaka poster Aka Medaka 2015 2h 25m
Mozu The Movie poster Mozu The Movie 2015 1h 56m
Ryuzo and the Seven Henchmen poster Ryuzo and the Seven Henchmen 2015 1h 51m
Beyond Outrage poster Beyond Outrage 2012 1h 50m
Plex Channel
Dearest poster Dearest 2012 1h 51m
Kikoku poster Kikoku 2010 2h
Outrage poster Outrage 2010 1h 49m
What the War Meant poster What the War Meant 2008 -
The Monster X Strikes Back: Attack the G8 Summit poster The Monster X Strikes Back: Attack the G8 Summit 2008 1h 38m
Achilles and the Tortoise poster Achilles and the Tortoise 2008 1h 59m
Dots and Lines poster Dots and Lines 2007 -
To Each His Own Cinema poster To Each His Own Cinema 2007 1h 40m
Blood and Bones poster Blood and Bones 2004 2h 20m
Zatoichi poster Zatoichi 2003 1h 51m
Battle Royale II: Requiem poster Battle Royale II: Requiem 2003 2h 35m
Plex Channel
Kichiku poster Kichiku 2002 2h 30m
Battle Royale poster Battle Royale 2000 1h 54m
Plex Channel
Brother poster Brother 2000 1h 54m
Making of Battle Royale poster Making of Battle Royale 2000 52m
Taboo poster Taboo 1999 1h 40m
Kikujiro poster Kikujiro 1999 1h 57m
Tokyo Eyes poster Tokyo Eyes 1998 1h 30m
Fireworks poster Fireworks 1997 1h 43m
Gonin poster Gonin 1995 1h 49m
Johnny Mnemonic poster Johnny Mnemonic 1995 1h 43m
Getting Any? poster Getting Any? 1994 1h 48m
Many Happy Returns poster Many Happy Returns 1993 1h 35m
Sonatine poster Sonatine 1993 1h 34m
Erotic Liaisons poster Erotic Liaisons 1992 1h 35m
A Legend of Turmoil poster A Legend of Turmoil 1992 1h 50m
Kim's War poster Kim's War 1991 2h 19m
KILL THEM ALL poster KILL THEM ALL 1990 1h 54m
Boiling Point poster Boiling Point 1990 1h 36m
Plex Channel
Violent Cop poster Violent Cop 1989 1h 43m
Plex Channel
The Boss' Wife poster The Boss' Wife 1988 1h 41m
No More Comics! poster No More Comics! 1986 2h 7m
Demon poster Demon 1985 2h 7m
Manon poster Manon 1981 1h 48m
The Dump Truck Rascal poster The Dump Truck Rascal 1981 2h 5m
Makoto-chan poster Makoto-chan 1980 1h 25m
Go, Go Second Time Virgin poster Go, Go Second Time Virgin 1969 1h 6m

Regularly Credited With

Susumu Terajima
Susumu Terajima
11 films together
Ren Osugi
Ren Osugi
8 films together
Kanji Tsuda
Kanji Tsuda
6 films together
6 films together
Beat Kiyoshi
Beat Kiyoshi
5 films together
Yutaka Matsushige
Yutaka Matsushige
4 films together
Yūrei Yanagi
Yūrei Yanagi
4 films together
Toshiyuki Nishida's profile
Toshiyuki Nishida
4 films together
Takashi Nishina's profile
Takashi Nishina
4 films together


His Top Genres 1
29% Drama
+ 113 more
His Top Years
7% 2017
+ 26 more
Role Type
100% Lead

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Takeshi Kitano FAQ

How old is Takeshi Kitano?

77 years old.

When was Takeshi Kitano born?

18th January 1947

Where was Takeshi Kitano born?

Tokyo, Japan

What is Takeshi Kitano known for?
Has Takeshi Kitano won an Oscar?

No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.

Has Takeshi Kitano won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Takeshi Kitano?

He is Asian.