The Filmaholic
Victor Rasuk

Victor Rasuk

41 years old. Born in New York City, New York, USA on 15th January 1984.
You've seen -- of his 17 trackable films

Victor Rasuk is an actor with a career spanning 24 years, from 1999 to 2023, starting at the age of 15. His first film was Flawless and his latest film was Reptile. A lot of his work has been in the Drama and Romance genres.

Known For


Released Films (17)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Reptile poster Reptile 2023 2h 16m
The Mule poster The Mule 2018 1h 56m
Fifty Shades Freed poster Fifty Shades Freed 2018 1h 45m
Peacock Premium Plus
Fifty Shades Darker poster Fifty Shades Darker 2017 1h 58m
Peacock Premium Plus
Fifty Shades of Grey poster Fifty Shades of Grey 2015 2h 5m
Peacock Premium Plus
Godzilla poster Godzilla 2014 2h 3m
Jobs poster Jobs 2013 2h 8m
Peacock Premium Plus
Being Flynn poster Being Flynn 2012 1h 42m
Life Is Hot in Cracktown poster Life Is Hot in Cracktown 2009 1h 39m
Che: Part One poster Che: Part One 2008 2h 14m
Stop-Loss poster Stop-Loss 2008 1h 53m
I'm Reed Fish poster I'm Reed Fish 2006 1h 33m
Adrift in Manhattan poster Adrift in Manhattan 2007 1h 31m
Plex Channel
Lords of Dogtown poster Lords of Dogtown 2005 1h 47m
Haven poster Haven 2004 1h 55m
Peacock Premium Plus
Raising Victor Vargas poster Raising Victor Vargas 2002 1h 28m
Plex Channel
Peacock Premium Plus
Flawless poster Flawless 1999 1h 52m

Regularly Credited With

Dakota Johnson's profile
Dakota Johnson
3 films together
Marcia Gay Harden's profile
Marcia Gay Harden
3 films together
Max Martini's profile
Max Martini
3 films together
Andrew Airlie
Andrew Airlie
3 films together
Jamie Dornan's profile
Jamie Dornan
3 films together
Luke Grimes
Luke Grimes
3 films together
Rita Ora
Rita Ora
3 films together
Eloise Mumford
Eloise Mumford
3 films together
Robert De Niro's profile
Robert De Niro
2 films together


His Top Genres 1
32% Drama
+ 50 more
His Top Years
12% 2018
+ 14 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Victor Rasuk FAQ

How old is Victor Rasuk?

41 years old.

When was Victor Rasuk born?

15th January 1984

Where was Victor Rasuk born?

New York City, New York, USA

Has Victor Rasuk won an Oscar?

No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.

Has Victor Rasuk won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Victor Rasuk?

He is Caucasian.