The Filmaholic
Volker Michalowski

Volker Michalowski

54 years old. Born in Dresden, Germany on 31st January 1971.
You've seen -- of his 8 trackable films

Volker Michalowski is an actor with a career spanning 13 years, from 2006 to 2019, starting at the age of 35. His first film was The Lives of Others and his latest film was Magische Momente - Ein himmlisch fauler Engel. A lot of his work has been in the Drama and Adventure genres.


Released Films (8)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Magische Momente - Ein himmlisch fauler Engel poster Magische Momente - Ein himmlisch fauler Engel 2019 -
Salt and Fire poster Salt and Fire 2016 1h 38m
Plex Channel
The Grand Budapest Hotel poster The Grand Budapest Hotel 2014 1h 39m
3nity poster 3nity 2010 -
Inglourious Basterds poster Inglourious Basterds
as German Soldier / Edgar Wallace
2009 2h 33m
Ein Job poster Ein Job 2008 -
The Lives of Others poster The Lives of Others 2006 2h 17m
Geile Zeiten poster Geile Zeiten 2006 -

Regularly Credited With

Harvey Keitel's profile
Harvey Keitel
2 films together
Léa Seydoux's profile
Léa Seydoux
2 films together
Martin Brambach
Martin Brambach
2 films together
Maxim Mehmet
Maxim Mehmet
2 films together
Brad Pitt's profile
Brad Pitt
1 film together
Samuel L. Jackson's profile
Samuel L. Jackson
1 film together
Bill Murray's profile
Bill Murray
1 film together
Edward Norton's profile
Edward Norton
1 film together
Quentin Tarantino's profile
Quentin Tarantino
1 film together


His Top Genres 1
20% Drama
+ 14 more
His Top Years
25% 2006
+ 6 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Volker Michalowski FAQ

How old is Volker Michalowski?

54 years old.

When was Volker Michalowski born?

31st January 1971

Where was Volker Michalowski born?

Dresden, Germany

Has Volker Michalowski won an Oscar?

No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.

Has Volker Michalowski won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Volker Michalowski?

He is Caucasian.