Willard E. Pugh
65 years old.
Born in Memphis, Tennessee, USA
on 16th June 1959.
You've seen -- of his 14 trackable films
Willard E. Pugh is an actor with a career spanning 14 years, from 1984 to 1998, starting at the age of 25. His first film was Toy Soldiers and his latest film was Spoiler. A lot of his work has been in the Action and Thriller genres.
Weekly Trend:
Known For
Released Films (14)
Film | Film | Year | Runtime | Rating | Streaming | Options | |||
Spoiler | 1998 | 1h 39m |
Air Force One
as White House Comm. Officer
1997 | 2h 4m | |||||||
Puppet Master 5: The Final Chapter | 1994 | 1h 22m |
CB4 | 1993 | 1h 29m |
Eddie Presley | 1992 | 1h 46m | |||||||
A Rage in Harlem | 1991 | 1h 55m | |||||||
The Guyver | 1991 | 1h 28m | |||||||
RoboCop 2
as Mayor Kuzak
1990 | 1h 57m |
Native Son | 1986 | 1h 51m |
Blue City | 1986 | 1h 23m | |||||||
The Color Purple | 1985 | 2h 34m | |||||||
Stand Alone | 1985 | 1h 34m |
The Hills Have Eyes 2 | 1984 | 1h 26m |
Toy Soldiers | 1984 | 1h 31m |
Regularly Credited With
Duane Whitaker
3 films together
Danny Glover
2 films together
Art Evans
2 films together
Clu Gulager
2 films together
Jeffrey Combs
2 films together
Luis Contreras
2 films together
Michael Berryman
2 films together
Tom Everett
2 films together
Oprah Winfrey
2 films together
His Top Genres 1
19% Action
+ 43 moreHis Top Years
15% 1991
+ 9 more1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.
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Willard E. Pugh FAQ
How old is Willard E. Pugh?
65 years old.
When was Willard E. Pugh born?
16th June 1959
Where was Willard E. Pugh born?
Memphis, Tennessee, USA
What is Willard E. Pugh known for?
Has Willard E. Pugh won an Oscar?
No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.
Has Willard E. Pugh won a BAFTA?
No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.
What ethnicity is Willard E. Pugh?
He is Black.