William Baldwin
61 years old.
Born in Massapequa, New York, USA
on 21st February 1963.
A member of
The Baldwin Family
You've seen -- of his 42 trackable films
William Baldwin is an actor with a career spanning 34 years, from 1989 to 2023, starting at the age of 26. His first film was The Preppie Murder and his latest film was South of Hope Street. A lot of his work has been in the Drama and Comedy genres.
Weekly Trend:
Known For
Released Films (42)
Film | Film | Year | Runtime | Rating | Streaming | Options | |||
South of Hope Street | 2015 | 1h 41m |
Break In | 2023 | 1h 18m |
Assault on Hill 400 | 2023 | 1h 27m |
Candy Land | 2022 | 1h 33m |
A Royal Christmas on Ice | 2022 | 1h 25m |
Dakota | 2022 | 1h 36m |
Haters | 2021 | 1h 30m | |||||||
Fourth Grade | 2021 | 1h 20m |
The Rebels of PT-218 | 2021 | 1h 28m |
Church People | 2021 | 1h 55m |
Backdraft 2 | 2019 | 1h 42m | |||||||
1st Born | 2019 | 1h 19m |
Cut Off | 2017 | 1h 29m | |||||||
Maximum Impact | 2017 | 1h 50m |
Chronology | 2016 | 1h 35m | |||||||
Lead with Your Heart | 2015 | 1h 24m |
Aftermath | 2014 | 1h 32m |
Sexy Evil Genius | 2013 | 1h 25m |
Dino Time | 2012 | 1h 25m | |||||||
Jock the Hero Dog | 2011 | 1h 29m | |||||||
Forgetting Sarah Marshall | 2008 | 1h 51m |
Noise | 2007 | 1h 32m |
Adrift in Manhattan | 2007 | 1h 31m |
A Plumm Summer | 2007 | 1h 39m | |||||||
Lenexa, 1 Mile | 2006 | 1h 31m | |||||||
The Squid and the Whale | 2005 | 1h 21m |
Red Rover | 2003 | 1h 43m | |||||||
You Stupid Man | 2002 | 1h 35m | |||||||
One Eyed King | 2001 | 1h 45m | |||||||
Double Bang | 2001 | 1h 44m | |||||||
Virus | 1999 | 1h 39m | |||||||
Shattered Image | 1998 | 1h 43m | |||||||
Bulworth | 1998 | 1h 48m | |||||||
Curdled | 1996 | 1h 28m | |||||||
Fair Game | 1995 | 1h 31m |
Sliver | 1993 | 1h 48m |
Three of Hearts | 1993 | 1h 50m |
Backdraft | 1991 | 2h 17m | |||||||
Flatliners | 1990 | 1h 55m |
Internal Affairs | 1990 | 1h 55m |
Born on the Fourth of July | 1989 | 2h 25m |
The Preppie Murder | 1989 | 1h 40m |
Regularly Credited With
Donald Sutherland
4 films together
Tom Berenger
3 films together
Stephen Baldwin
3 films together
Danny Trejo
3 films together
Eric Roberts
3 films together
Jason Gedrick
3 films together
Jeff Daniels
2 films together
Denise Richards
2 films together
Michael Madsen
2 films together
His Top Genres 1
24% Drama
+ 106 moreHis Top Years
10% 2021
+ 25 more1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.
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William Baldwin FAQ
How old is William Baldwin?
61 years old.
When was William Baldwin born?
21st February 1963
Where was William Baldwin born?
Massapequa, New York, USA
What is William Baldwin known for?
Has William Baldwin won an Oscar?
No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.
Has William Baldwin won a BAFTA?
No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.
What ethnicity is William Baldwin?
He is Caucasian.