William Smith
91 years old.
Born in Columbia, Missouri, USA
on 24th March 1933.
You've seen -- of his 136 trackable films
William Smith is an actor with a career spanning 100 years, from 1920 to 2020, starting at the age of -13. His first film was Going My Way and his latest film was Irresistible. A lot of his work has been in the Action and Drama genres.
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Known For
Released Films (136)
Regularly Credited With
Robert Z'Dar
11 films together
Joe Estevez
7 films together
Frank Stallone
6 films together
Scott Shaw
6 films together
Brinke Stevens
5 films together
Don Stroud
5 films together
Julie Strain
5 films together
Ross Hagen
5 films together
Jill Kelly
5 films together