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Amanda Fuller

Amanda Fuller

40 years old. Born in Sacramento, California, USA on 27th August 1984.
You've seen -- of her 10 trackable films

Amanda Fuller is an actress with a career spanning 21 years, from 1997 to 2018, starting at the age of 13. Her first film was Til There Was You and her latest film was All the Creatures Were Stirring. A lot of her work has been in the Comedy and Drama genres.

Known For


Released Films (10)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
All the Creatures Were Stirring poster All the Creatures Were Stirring 2018 1h 20m
Shudder Apple TV Channel
Fashionista poster Fashionista 2016 1h 48m
Peacock Premium Plus
Starry Eyes poster Starry Eyes 2014 1h 38m
Plex Channel
Shudder Apple TV Channel
Peacock Premium Plus
Cheap Thrills poster Cheap Thrills 2013 1h 28m
Plex Channel
Shudder Apple TV Channel
Peacock Premium Plus
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3: Viva la Fiesta! poster Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3: Viva la Fiesta! 2012 1h 29m
Freerunner poster Freerunner 2011 1h 27m
Red White & Blue poster Red White & Blue 2010 1h 42m
IFC Films Unlimited Apple TV Channel
Whatever It Takes poster Whatever It Takes 1998 1h 41m
Plex Channel
Safety Patrol! poster Safety Patrol! 1998 1h 36m
Til There Was You poster Til There Was You 1997 1h 53m

Regularly Credited With

Ethan Embry's profile
Ethan Embry
2 films together
Alex Essoe's profile
Alex Essoe
2 films together
Elissa Dowling
Elissa Dowling
2 films together
Maria Olsen
Maria Olsen
2 films together
Pat Healy
Pat Healy
2 films together
Marc Senter
Marc Senter
2 films together
Danny Minnick
Danny Minnick
2 films together
Jennifer Aniston's profile
Jennifer Aniston
1 film together


Her Top Genres 1
22% Comedy
+ 22 more
Her Top Years
20% 1998
+ 8 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Amanda Fuller FAQ

How old is Amanda Fuller?

40 years old.

When was Amanda Fuller born?

27th August 1984

Where was Amanda Fuller born?

Sacramento, California, USA

Has Amanda Fuller won an Oscar?

No, up to this point she has never won an Oscar.

Has Amanda Fuller won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point she has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Amanda Fuller?

She is Caucasian.