The Filmaholic
Candice Azzara

Candice Azzara

79 years old. Born in Brooklyn, New York, USA on 18th May 1945.
You've seen -- of her 14 trackable films

Candice Azzara is an actress with a career spanning 46 years, from 1971 to 2017, starting at the age of 26. Her first film was Who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Things About Me? and her latest film was In Vino. A lot of her work has been in the Comedy and Drama genres.

Known For


Released Films (14)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
In Vino poster In Vino 2017 1h 33m
Plex Channel
Little Boy poster Little Boy 2015 1h 46m
Plex Channel
Peacock Premium Plus
Final Approach poster Final Approach 2007 2h 50m
In Her Shoes poster In Her Shoes 2005 2h 10m
Ocean's Twelve poster Ocean's Twelve 2004 2h 5m
Catch Me If You Can poster Catch Me If You Can 2002 2h 21m
Doin' Time on Planet Earth poster Doin' Time on Planet Earth 1988 1h 25m
Easy Money poster Easy Money 1983 1h 35m
Pandemonium poster Pandemonium 1982 1h 22m
Divorce Wars: A Love Story poster Divorce Wars: A Love Story 1982 1h 36m
Fatso poster Fatso 1980 1h 33m
House Calls poster House Calls 1978 1h 38m
The World's Greatest Lover poster The World's Greatest Lover 1977 1h 29m
Who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Things About Me? poster Who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Things About Me? 1971 1h 48m

Regularly Credited With

Dom DeLuise
Dom DeLuise
3 films together
Carol Kane's profile
Carol Kane
2 films together
James DuMont's profile
James DuMont
2 films together
Sal Viscuso
Sal Viscuso
2 films together
Brad Pitt's profile
Brad Pitt
1 film together
Bruce Willis's profile
Bruce Willis
1 film together
George Clooney's profile
George Clooney
1 film together
Julia Roberts's profile
Julia Roberts
1 film together
Leonardo DiCaprio's profile
Leonardo DiCaprio
1 film together


Her Top Genres 1
27% Comedy
+ 37 more
Her Top Years
15% 1982
+ 12 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Candice Azzara FAQ

How old is Candice Azzara?

79 years old.

When was Candice Azzara born?

18th May 1945

Where was Candice Azzara born?

Brooklyn, New York, USA

Has Candice Azzara won an Oscar?

No, up to this point she has never won an Oscar.

Has Candice Azzara won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point she has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Candice Azzara?

She is Caucasian.