The Filmaholic
Dortha Duckworth

Dortha Duckworth

Born on 28th September 1905. Died in 1996 aged 91 years old.
You've seen -- of her 6 trackable films

Dortha Duckworth was an actress with a career spanning 13 years, from 1977 to 1990, starting at the age of 72. Her first film was Roseland and her last film was Stanley & Iris. A lot of her work was in the Comedy and Romance genres.

Known For


Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Stanley & Iris poster Stanley & Iris 1990 1h 44m
Murphy's Romance poster Murphy's Romance 1985 1h 47m
The Man with One Red Shoe poster The Man with One Red Shoe 1985 1h 30m
Protocol poster Protocol 1984 1h 36m
Nothing Lasts Forever poster Nothing Lasts Forever 1984 1h 22m
Roseland poster Roseland 1977 1h 44m

Regularly Credited With

Robert De Niro's profile
Robert De Niro
1 film together
Tom Hanks's profile
Tom Hanks
1 film together
Bill Murray's profile
Bill Murray
1 film together
Christopher Walken's profile
Christopher Walken
1 film together
Jane Fonda's profile
Jane Fonda
1 film together
Carrie Fisher's profile
Carrie Fisher
1 film together
Goldie Hawn's profile
Goldie Hawn
1 film together
Dan Aykroyd's profile
Dan Aykroyd
1 film together
Jim Belushi's profile
Jim Belushi
1 film together


Her Top Genres 1
25% Comedy
+ 15 more
Her Top Years
34% 1985
+ 3 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Dortha Duckworth FAQ

How old was Dortha Duckworth when she died?

91 years old.

When was Dortha Duckworth born?

28th September 1905

Where was Dortha Duckworth born?

Her birth place is unknown at this time.

Has Dortha Duckworth won an Oscar?

No, she never won an Oscar.

Has Dortha Duckworth won a BAFTA?

No, she never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Dortha Duckworth?

She was Caucasian.