Gabrielle Rose
71 years old.
Born in Canada
on 1st January 1954.
You've seen -- of her 42 trackable films
Gabrielle Rose is an actress with a career spanning 33 years, from 1985 to 2018, starting at the age of 31. Her first film was Blackout and her latest film was Christmas Joy. A lot of her work has been in the Drama and Thriller genres.
Weekly Trend:
Character Images
Known For
Released Films (42)
Regularly Credited With

John Shaw
5 films together

Michael Adamthwaite
5 films together

Stephen E. Miller
4 films together

Keegan Connor Tracy
3 films together

Chelan Simmons
3 films together

Garry Chalk
3 films together

John Emmet Tracy
3 films together

Serge Houde
3 films together

Gillian Barber
3 films together
Her Top Genres 1
23% Drama
+ 110 moreHer Top Years
10% 2016
+ 19 moreTop Character Types
100% Judge
Role Type
100% Support
1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.
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Gabrielle Rose FAQ
How old is Gabrielle Rose?
71 years old.
When was Gabrielle Rose born?
1st January 1954
Where was Gabrielle Rose born?
What is Gabrielle Rose known for?
Has Gabrielle Rose won an Oscar?
No, up to this point she has never won an Oscar.
Has Gabrielle Rose won a BAFTA?
No, up to this point she has never won an BAFTA.
What ethnicity is Gabrielle Rose?
She is Caucasian.