The Filmaholic
Irene Santiago

Irene Santiago

58 years old. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA on 11th December 1966.
You've seen -- of her 7 trackable films

Irene Santiago is an actress with a career spanning 26 years, from 1994 to 2020, starting at the age of 28. Her first film was Dumb and Dumber and her latest film was The Reason. A lot of her work has been in the Drama and Comedy genres.

Known For


Released Films (7)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
The Reason poster The Reason 2020 1h 22m
Nearly Married poster Nearly Married 2016 1h 41m
Operator poster Operator 2015 1h 28m
Peacock Premium Plus
Forever Strong poster Forever Strong 2008 1h 52m
Plex Channel
Xumo Play
Peacock Premium Plus
High School Musical poster High School Musical 2006 1h 38m
The Way of the Gun poster The Way of the Gun 2000 1h 59m
Plex Channel
Dumb and Dumber poster Dumb and Dumber
as Flight Personnel (uncredited)
1994 1h 47m

Regularly Credited With

Joey Miyashima
Joey Miyashima
2 films together
Olesya Rulin
Olesya Rulin
2 films together
Jim Carrey's profile
Jim Carrey
1 film together
James Caan's profile
James Caan
1 film together
Zac Efron's profile
Zac Efron
1 film together
Sean Astin's profile
Sean Astin
1 film together
Benicio Del Toro's profile
Benicio Del Toro
1 film together
Juliette Lewis's profile
Juliette Lewis
1 film together
Jeff Daniels's profile
Jeff Daniels
1 film together


Her Top Genres 1
18% Drama
+ 27 more
Her Top Years
15% 2020
+ 6 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Irene Santiago FAQ

How old is Irene Santiago?

58 years old.

When was Irene Santiago born?

11th December 1966

Where was Irene Santiago born?

Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Has Irene Santiago won an Oscar?

No, up to this point she has never won an Oscar.

Has Irene Santiago won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point she has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Irene Santiago?

She is Hispanic/Latinx.