The Filmaholic
Joan Severance

Joan Severance

66 years old. Born in Houston, Texas, USA on 23rd December 1958.
You've seen -- of her 32 trackable films

Joan Severance is an actress with a career spanning 39 years, from 1979 to 2018, starting at the age of 21. Her first film was Lethal Weapon and her latest film was Bicycle. A lot of her work has been in the Drama and Thriller genres.

Character Images

Known For


Released Films (32)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
as Mary
2018 -
Accidentally Engaged poster Accidentally Engaged
as Sandy Byers
2016 1h 26m
Peacock Premium Plus
Born poster Born
as Dr. Sammael
2007 1h 47m
Sex and Consequences poster Sex and Consequences
as Lisa Wayne
2006 1h 40m
Plex Channel
Taylor poster Taylor
as Leigh
2005 1h 37m
Mystery Woman poster Mystery Woman
as Mary Stenning
2003 1h 28m
Cause of Death poster Cause of Death
as Angela Carter
2001 1h 35m
Plex Channel
The Last Seduction II poster The Last Seduction II 1999 1h 36m
Life of the Party: The Pamela Harriman Story poster Life of the Party: The Pamela Harriman Story
as Paley
1998 1h 36m
Matter of Trust poster Matter of Trust
as Theresa Marsh
1998 1h 30m
In Dark Places poster In Dark Places
as Chapelle
1997 1h 36m
Black Scorpion II: Aftershock poster Black Scorpion II: Aftershock 1997 1h 25m
Profile for Murder poster Profile for Murder
as Dr. Hanna Carras
1996 1h 35m
Frequent Flyer poster Frequent Flyer
as Alison Rawlings
1996 1h 32m
Hard Evidence poster Hard Evidence
as Madelyn Turner
1995 1h 40m
Black Scorpion poster Black Scorpion 1995 1h 32m
Dangerous Indiscretion poster Dangerous Indiscretion
as Caroline Everett
1995 1h 21m
Payback poster Payback
as Rose Gullerman
1995 1h 33m
Criminal Passion poster Criminal Passion
as Melanie Hudson
1994 1h 36m
Red Shoe Diaries 2: Double Dare poster Red Shoe Diaries 2: Double Dare
as The Woman (archive footage)
1993 1h 32m
Lake Consequence poster Lake Consequence
as Irene
1993 1h 30m
Almost Pregnant poster Almost Pregnant
as Maureen Mallory
1992 1h 30m
Plex Channel
Illicit Behavior poster Illicit Behavior
as Melissa Yarnell
1992 1h 41m
Plex Channel
Write to Kill poster Write to Kill
as Belle Washburn
1991 1h 39m
The Runestone poster The Runestone
as Marla Stewart
1991 1h 45m
Another Pair of Aces: Three of a Kind poster Another Pair of Aces: Three of a Kind
as Susan Davis
1991 1h 33m
Plex Channel
Peacock Premium Plus
Bird on a Wire poster Bird on a Wire
as Rachel Varney
1990 1h 50m
Worth Winning poster Worth Winning
as Lizbette
1989 1h 43m
No Holds Barred poster No Holds Barred
as Samantha Moore
1989 1h 33m
See No Evil, Hear No Evil poster See No Evil, Hear No Evil
as Eve
1989 1h 43m
Lethal Weapon poster Lethal Weapon
as Girl in Black Playsuit
1987 1h 50m
A Movie Star's Daughter poster A Movie Star's Daughter
as Actress Exiting Limo
1979 46m

Regularly Credited With

C. Thomas Howell's profile
C. Thomas Howell
3 films together
Mel Gibson's profile
Mel Gibson
2 films together
Denise Crosby
Denise Crosby
2 films together
Rick Rossovich's profile
Rick Rossovich
2 films together
Whip Hubley
Whip Hubley
2 films together
Stephen Lee's profile
Stephen Lee
2 films together
Matt Roe's profile
Matt Roe
2 films together
Mitchell Ryan's profile
Mitchell Ryan
2 films together
Garrett Morris
Garrett Morris
2 films together


Her Top Genres 1
17% Drama
+ 79 more
Her Top Years
13% 1995
+ 19 more
Role Type
100% Lead

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Joan Severance FAQ

How old is Joan Severance?

66 years old.

When was Joan Severance born?

23rd December 1958

Where was Joan Severance born?

Houston, Texas, USA

How tall is Joan Severance?

175 centimeters, or 5 feet 9 inches

Has Joan Severance won an Oscar?

No, up to this point she has never won an Oscar.

Has Joan Severance won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point she has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Joan Severance?

She is Caucasian.