The Filmaholic
Lisa Eichhorn

Lisa Eichhorn

73 years old. Born in Glens Falls, New York, USA on 4th February 1952.
You've seen -- of her 19 trackable films

Lisa Eichhorn is an actress with a career spanning 37 years, from 1979 to 2016, starting at the age of 27. Her first film was The Europeans and her latest film was Offensive. A lot of her work has been in the Drama and Thriller genres.

Known For


Released Films (19)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Offensive poster Offensive 2016 1h 45m
Never Let Go poster Never Let Go 2015 1h 33m
Plex Channel
Peacock Premium Plus
About Time poster About Time 2013 2h 3m
Boys and Girls poster Boys and Girls 2000 1h 34m
The Talented Mr. Ripley poster The Talented Mr. Ripley 1999 2h 19m
Judas Kiss poster Judas Kiss 1998 1h 37m
Goodbye Lover poster Goodbye Lover 1998 1h 42m
Plex Channel
First Kid poster First Kid 1996 1h 41m
King of the Hill poster King of the Hill 1993 1h 43m
The Vanishing poster The Vanishing 1993 1h 49m
Grim Prairie Tales poster Grim Prairie Tales 1990 1h 26m
Moon 44 poster Moon 44 1990 1h 38m
Murder in Three Acts poster Murder in Three Acts 1986 1h 34m
Opposing Force poster Opposing Force 1986 1h 40m
The Wall poster The Wall 1982 2h 15m
Cutter's Way poster Cutter's Way 1981 1h 45m
Why Would I Lie? poster Why Would I Lie? 1980 1h 45m
Yanks poster Yanks 1979 2h 18m
The Europeans poster The Europeans 1979 1h 30m

Regularly Credited With

Jeff Bridges's profile
Jeff Bridges
2 films together
Angela Dixon
Angela Dixon
2 films together
Philip Baker Hall's profile
Philip Baker Hall
2 films together
Kristin Griffith
Kristin Griffith
2 films together
Roscoe Lee Browne
Roscoe Lee Browne
2 films together
Rachel Roberts
Rachel Roberts
2 films together
Richard Gere's profile
Richard Gere
1 film together
Margot Robbie's profile
Margot Robbie
1 film together
Matt Damon's profile
Matt Damon
1 film together


Her Top Genres 1
21% Drama
+ 61 more
Her Top Years
11% 1998
+ 13 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Lisa Eichhorn FAQ

How old is Lisa Eichhorn?

73 years old.

When was Lisa Eichhorn born?

4th February 1952

Where was Lisa Eichhorn born?

Glens Falls, New York, USA

Has Lisa Eichhorn won an Oscar?

No, up to this point she has never won an Oscar.

Has Lisa Eichhorn won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point she has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Lisa Eichhorn?

She is Caucasian.