The Filmaholic
Nancy Travis

Nancy Travis

63 years old. Born in New York City, New York, USA on 21st September 1961.
You've seen -- of her 28 trackable films

Nancy Travis is an actress with a career spanning 39 years, from 1985 to 2024, starting at the age of 24. Her first film was Malice in Wonderland and her latest film was Ordinary Angels. A lot of her work has been in the Drama and Comedy genres.

Known For


Released Films (28)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Ordinary Angels poster Ordinary Angels 2024 1h 58m
Night of the Animated Dead poster Night of the Animated Dead 2021 1h 10m
The Submarine Kid poster The Submarine Kid 2015 1h 49m
Peacock Premium Plus
A Walk in My Shoes poster A Walk in My Shoes 2010 1h 35m
Safe Harbor poster Safe Harbor 2009 1h 28m
Xumo Play
UP Faith & Family Apple TV Channel
The Jane Austen Book Club poster The Jane Austen Book Club 2007 1h 46m
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants poster The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2005 1h 59m
Running Mates poster Running Mates 2000 1h 30m
Auggie Rose poster Auggie Rose 2000 1h 49m
Bogus poster Bogus 1996 1h 50m
Plex Channel
Body Language poster Body Language 1995 2h
Fluke poster Fluke 1995 1h 36m
Destiny Turns on the Radio poster Destiny Turns on the Radio 1995 1h 42m
Lieberman in Love poster Lieberman in Love 1995 39m
Greedy poster Greedy 1994 1h 53m
So I Married an Axe Murderer poster So I Married an Axe Murderer 1993 1h 33m
The Vanishing poster The Vanishing 1993 1h 49m
Chaplin poster Chaplin 1992 2h 23m
Britbox Apple TV Channel
Passed Away poster Passed Away 1992 1h 36m
3 Men and a Little Lady poster 3 Men and a Little Lady 1990 1h 44m
Air America poster Air America 1990 1h 52m
Loose Cannons poster Loose Cannons
as Riva
1990 1h 34m
Internal Affairs poster Internal Affairs 1990 1h 55m
Eight Men Out poster Eight Men Out 1988 1h 59m
Married to the Mob poster Married to the Mob 1988 1h 44m
3 Men and a Baby poster 3 Men and a Baby 1987 1h 42m
Harem poster Harem 1986 3h 10m
Malice in Wonderland poster Malice in Wonderland 1985 2h

Regularly Credited With

Tom Selleck's profile
Tom Selleck
3 films together
Robert Downey Jr.'s profile
Robert Downey Jr.
2 films together
Dan Aykroyd's profile
Dan Aykroyd
2 films together
Matthew Modine's profile
Matthew Modine
2 films together
Ted Danson's profile
Ted Danson
2 films together
Ernie Lively
Ernie Lively
2 films together
Michael Beach's profile
Michael Beach
2 films together
Richard Edson
Richard Edson
2 films together
Steve Guttenberg's profile
Steve Guttenberg
2 films together


Her Top Genres 1
22% Drama
+ 68 more
Her Top Years
15% 1995
+ 17 more
Role Type
100% Support

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Nancy Travis FAQ

How old is Nancy Travis?

63 years old.

When was Nancy Travis born?

21st September 1961

Where was Nancy Travis born?

New York City, New York, USA

Has Nancy Travis won an Oscar?

No, up to this point she has never won an Oscar.

Has Nancy Travis won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point she has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Nancy Travis?

She is Caucasian.