The Filmaholic
Rachel Ticotin

Rachel Ticotin

66 years old. Born in Bronx, New York, USA on 1st November 1958.
You've seen -- of her 27 trackable films

Rachel Ticotin is an actress with a career spanning 39 years, from 1981 to 2020, starting at the age of 23. Her first film was Fort Apache, the Bronx and her latest film was Superintelligence. A lot of her work has been in the Drama and Thriller genres.

Character Images

Known For


Released Films (27)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Superintelligence poster Superintelligence 2020 1h 46m
The Burning Plain poster The Burning Plain 2008 1h 51m
Plex Channel
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 poster The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 2008 1h 57m
The Eye poster The Eye 2008 1h 38m
Plex Channel
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants poster The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2005 1h 59m
Man on Fire poster Man on Fire 2004 2h 26m
Something's Gotta Give poster Something's Gotta Give 2003 2h 8m
Desert Saints poster Desert Saints 2002 1h 28m
Full Disclosure poster Full Disclosure 2001 1h 37m
Plex Channel
Can't Be Heaven poster Can't Be Heaven 1999 1h 34m
Plex Channel
Civility poster Civility 2000 1h 26m
Con Air poster Con Air
as Guard Sally Bishop
1997 1h 55m
Turbulence poster Turbulence 1997 1h 40m
Steal Big Steal Little poster Steal Big Steal Little 1995 1h 53m
Don Juan DeMarco poster Don Juan DeMarco 1994 1h 37m
Criminal Passion poster Criminal Passion 1994 1h 36m
Falling Down poster Falling Down
as Sandra
1993 1h 53m
Where the Day Takes You poster Where the Day Takes You 1992 1h 45m
One Good Cop poster One Good Cop 1991 1h 54m
F/X2 poster F/X2 1991 1h 48m
Prison Stories: Women on the Inside poster Prison Stories: Women on the Inside 1991 1h 19m
Total Recall poster Total Recall
as Melina
1990 1h 53m
Critical Condition poster Critical Condition 1987 1h 40m
When The Bough Breaks poster When The Bough Breaks 1986 1h 40m
Rockabye poster Rockabye 1986 2h
For Love and Honor poster For Love and Honor 1983 1h 40m
Fort Apache, the Bronx poster Fort Apache, the Bronx 1981 2h 5m

Regularly Credited With

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Blake Lively
2 films together
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Kyle MacLachlan
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Danny Trejo's profile
Danny Trejo
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Ernie Lively
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Kimberly Scott's profile
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Talisa Soto
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Vondie Curtis-Hall's profile
Vondie Curtis-Hall
2 films together
Leonardo Nam
Leonardo Nam
2 films together
Ray Baker's profile
Ray Baker
2 films together


Her Top Genres 1
18% Drama
+ 93 more
Her Top Years
12% 2008
+ 19 more
Top Character Types
100% Detective
Hero or Villain?
100% Good
+ 1 more
Role Type
100% Support

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Rachel Ticotin FAQ

How old is Rachel Ticotin?

66 years old.

When was Rachel Ticotin born?

1st November 1958

Where was Rachel Ticotin born?

Bronx, New York, USA

Has Rachel Ticotin won an Oscar?

No, up to this point she has never won an Oscar.

Has Rachel Ticotin won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point she has never won an BAFTA.

What ethnicity is Rachel Ticotin?

She is Mixed Race.