Zoe Saldana
46 years old.
Born in Passaic, New Jersey, USA
on 19th June 1978.
You've seen -- of her 60 trackable films
Zoe Saldana is an actress with a career spanning 31 years, from 2000 to 2031, starting at the age of 22. Her first film was Center Stage and her latest film will be Emilia Pérez. A lot of her work has been in the Drama and Comedy genres.
Character Images
Known For
Upcoming Films (7)
Film | Year | Runtime | Status | Options | |
Avatar 4
as Neytiri
- | Unknown Status | |||
Hummingbird | - | Unknown Status | |||
The Bluff
- | Unknown Status | |||
- | Unknown Status | |||
- | Unknown Status | |||
Avatar 5
as Neytiri
2031 | - | Unknown Status | ||
Avatar 3
as Neytiri
2025 | - | Post-Production |
Released Films (53)
Regularly Credited With
Bradley Cooper
6 films together
Sigourney Weaver
6 films together
Sam Worthington
5 films together
Vin Diesel
5 films together
Giovanni Ribisi
5 films together
Karen Gillan
5 films together
Chris Pratt
5 films together
Cliff Curtis
5 films together
Dave Bautista
5 films together
Her Top Genres 1
13% Drama
+ 195 moreHer Top Years
8% 2016
+ 26 moreTop Character Types
28% Linguist
+ 8 moreHero or Villain?
90% Good
+ 9 moreRole Type
87% Support
+ 1 more1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.
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Zoe Saldana FAQ
How old is Zoe Saldana?
46 years old.
When was Zoe Saldana born?
19th June 1978
Where was Zoe Saldana born?
Passaic, New Jersey, USA
What is Zoe Saldana known for?
Has Zoe Saldana won an Oscar?
No, up to this point she has never won an Oscar.
Has Zoe Saldana won a BAFTA?
No, up to this point she has never won an BAFTA.
What ethnicity is Zoe Saldana?
She is Black.