The Filmaholic

The Psycho Boxset

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Psycho Films in Order

Actors that appear in Psycho films

Virginia Gregg
Virginia Gregg
3 films, 1960-1986
Norma Bates
Robert Alan Browne
2 films, 1983-1986
Lee Garlington
Lee Garlington
2 films, 1983-1986
Vera Miles
Vera Miles
2 films, 1960-1983
Lila Crane
Robert Forster
Robert Forster
1 film, 1998
James Remar
James Remar
1 film, 1998
James Le Gros
James Le Gros
1 film, 1998
Ben Frommer
1 film, 1983
Ben Hartigan
1 film, 1983
Bob Hilgenberg
1 film, 1983
Chris Hendrie
1 film, 1983
Claudia Bryar
1 film, 1983
Jill Carroll
1 film, 1983
Michael Lomazow
1 film, 1983
Robert Traynor
1 film, 1983
Sheila K. Adams
1 film, 1983
Thaddeus Smith
1 film, 1983
Tim Maier
1 film, 1983
Victoria Brown
1 film, 1983
Marjorie Lovett
1 film, 1998
Rita Wilson
Rita Wilson
1 film, 1998
Fletcher Allen
1 film, 1960
Policeman on Steps
Frank Killmond
1 film, 1960
Bob Summerfield
Fred Scheiwiller
1 film, 1960
George Dockstader
1 film, 1960
Hans Moebus
1 film, 1960
Passerby on Sidewalk
Harper Flaherty
1 film, 1960

Where to Watch Psycho films

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Frequently Asked Questions About the Psycho franchise

How Many Psycho Films Have There Been?

There are 5 films in the Psycho collection.

Which actors have been in the most Psycho films?

The most common actors in the Psycho films are Anthony Perkins (4 films), Virginia Gregg (3 films), Robert Alan Browne (2 films), Lee Garlington (2 films), Vera Miles (2 films), and Hugh Gillin (2 films)

Which characters have been in the most Psycho films?

The most common characters in the Psycho films are Norman Bates (5 films), Norma Bates (3 films), Lila Crane (3 films), Bob Summerfield (2 films), Al Chambers (2 films), and George Lowery (2 films)

What is the best Psycho film?

The most highly rated film in the Psycho collection is Psycho (1960).

What is the worst Psycho film?

The lowest rated film in the Psycho collection is Psycho (1998).

How Long Are the Psycho films?

The average length is 1h 43m. The longest film in the series is Psycho II (1983) at 1h 53m, the shortest is Psycho III (1986) at 1h 33m.