The Filmaholic
Darren Lynn Bousman

Darren Lynn Bousman

You've seen none of his 14 trackable films

Darren Lynn Bousman is a director with a career spanning 16 years, from 2005 to 2021. His first film was Saw II and his latest film was Spiral: From the Book of Saw. A lot of his work has been in the Horror and Mystery genres.

Known For


Released Films (14)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Spiral: From the Book of Saw poster Spiral: From the Book of Saw 2021 1h 33m
Death of Me poster Death of Me 2020 1h 35m
St. Agatha poster St. Agatha 2018 1h 43m
Abattoir poster Abattoir 2016 1h 38m
Alleluia! The Devil's Carnival poster Alleluia! The Devil's Carnival 2016 1h 37m
Tales of Halloween poster Tales of Halloween 2015 1h 37m
Plex Channel
The Devil's Carnival poster The Devil's Carnival 2012 55m
11-11-11 poster 11-11-11 2011 1h 30m
Mother's Day poster Mother's Day 2010 1h 52m
Plex Channel
Repo! The Genetic Opera poster Repo! The Genetic Opera 2008 1h 38m
Saw IV poster Saw IV 2007 1h 33m
Saw III poster Saw III 2006 1h 54m
Repo! The Genetic Opera poster Repo! The Genetic Opera 2006 10m
Saw II poster Saw II 2005 1h 29m

Regularly Directs

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J. LaRose
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His Top Genres 1
138% Horror
+ 7 more
His Top Years
15% 2016
+ 11 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Darren Lynn Bousman FAQ

How old is Darren Lynn Bousman?

His age is unknown at this time.

When was Darren Lynn Bousman born?

His birth date is unknown at this time.

Where was Darren Lynn Bousman born?

His birth place is unknown at this time.

Has Darren Lynn Bousman won an Oscar?

No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.

Has Darren Lynn Bousman won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.