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The Filmaholic
David Gordon Green

David Gordon Green

49 years old. Born in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA on 9th April 1975.
You've seen -- of his 19 trackable films

David Gordon Green is a director with a career spanning 26 years, from 1997 to 2023, starting at the age of 22. His first film was George Washington and his latest film will be The Exorcist: Believer. A lot of his work has been in the Drama and Comedy genres.

Known For


Upcoming Films (1)

Film Year Runtime Status Options
Untitled David Gordon Green/Cavalry Media Project
- Unknown Status

Released Films (18)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
The Exorcist: Believer poster The Exorcist: Believer 2023 1h 51m
Halloween Ends poster Halloween Ends 2022 1h 51m
Halloween Kills poster Halloween Kills 2021 1h 30m
Peacock Premium Plus
Halloween poster Halloween 2018 1h 46m
Peacock Premium Plus
Stronger poster Stronger
as Jeff Bauman
2017 1h 59m
UP Faith & Family Apple TV Channel
Our Brand Is Crisis poster Our Brand Is Crisis 2015 1h 48m
Manglehorn poster Manglehorn
as A.J. Manglehorn
2014 1h 37m
IFC Films Unlimited Apple TV Channel
Joe poster Joe
as Joe Ransom
2013 1h 58m
Prince Avalanche poster Prince Avalanche 2013 1h 34m
Plex Channel
The Sitter poster The Sitter 2011 1h 21m
Your Highness poster Your Highness 2011 1h 42m
Pineapple Express poster Pineapple Express 2008 1h 51m
Snow Angels poster Snow Angels 2007 1h 46m
Undertow poster Undertow 2004 1h 48m
ScreenPix Apple TV Channel
All the Real Girls poster All the Real Girls 2003 1h 48m
George Washington poster George Washington 2000 1h 30m
Physical Pinball poster Physical Pinball 1998 21m
Pleasant Grove poster Pleasant Grove 1997 15m

Regularly Directs

Eddie Rouse
Eddie Rouse
7 films together
Paul Schneider's profile
Paul Schneider
4 films together
Jamie Lee Curtis's profile
Jamie Lee Curtis
3 films together
Will Patton's profile
Will Patton
3 films together
Judy Greer's profile
Judy Greer
3 films together
Nick Castle
Nick Castle
3 films together
Omar J. Dorsey
Omar J. Dorsey
3 films together
Robert Longstreet
Robert Longstreet
3 films together
Danny McBride's profile
Danny McBride
3 films together


His Top Genres 1
58% Drama
+ 18 more
His Top Years
12% 2013
+ 15 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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David Gordon Green FAQ

How old is David Gordon Green?

49 years old.

When was David Gordon Green born?

9th April 1975

Where was David Gordon Green born?

Little Rock, Arkansas, USA

What is David Gordon Green known for?
Has David Gordon Green won an Oscar?

No, up to this point he has never won an Oscar.

Has David Gordon Green won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.