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Oliver Stone

Oliver Stone

You've seen -- of his 19 trackable films

Oliver Stone is an Oscar winning director with a career spanning 35 years, from 1981 to 2016. His first film was The Hand and his latest film was Snowden. A lot of his work has been in the Drama and History genres.

Known For


Released Films (19)

Film Film Year Runtime Rating Streaming Options
Snowden poster Snowden 2016 2h 14m
Savages poster Savages 2012 2h 11m
Peacock Premium Plus
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps poster Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps 2010 2h 13m
W. poster W. 2008 2h 9m
World Trade Center poster World Trade Center
as John McLoughlin
2006 2h 9m
Peacock Premium Plus
Alexander poster Alexander 2004 2h 55m
Any Given Sunday poster Any Given Sunday
as Tony D'Amato
1999 2h 42m
U Turn poster U Turn
as Toby N. Tucker
1997 2h 5m
Nixon poster Nixon 1995 3h 12m
Natural Born Killers poster Natural Born Killers 1994 1h 58m
Heaven & Earth poster Heaven & Earth 1993 2h 20m
JFK poster JFK 1991 3h 9m
The Doors poster The Doors 1991 2h 20m
Born on the Fourth of July poster Born on the Fourth of July
as Timmy
1989 2h 25m
Talk Radio poster Talk Radio 1988 1h 50m
Wall Street poster Wall Street 1987 2h 6m
Platoon poster Platoon
as Warren
1986 2h
Salvador poster Salvador 1986 2h 3m
Plex Channel
ScreenPix Apple TV Channel
The Hand poster The Hand
as Jonathan Lansdale
1981 1h 44m

Regularly Directs

John C. McGinley's profile
John C. McGinley
7 films together
Oliver Stone's profile
6 films
Sean Stone
Sean Stone
6 films together
Frank Whaley's profile
Frank Whaley
4 films together
Dale Dye's profile
Dale Dye
4 films together
Tommy Lee Jones's profile
Tommy Lee Jones
3 films together
Charlie Sheen's profile
Charlie Sheen
3 films together
James Woods's profile
James Woods
3 films together
Michael Wincott's profile
Michael Wincott
3 films together


His Top Genres 1
85% Drama
+ 19 more
His Top Years
11% 1991
+ 16 more

1 Genres are counted according to total films, not total genres, as such the overall total of all genress will be more than 100%.

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Oliver Stone FAQ

How old is Oliver Stone?

His age is unknown at this time.

When was Oliver Stone born?

His birth date is unknown at this time.

Where was Oliver Stone born?

His birth place is unknown at this time.

What is Oliver Stone known for?
Has Oliver Stone won an Oscar?

Yes, he has won an Oscar for the film Wall Street (1987)

Has Oliver Stone won a BAFTA?

No, up to this point he has never won an BAFTA.