12 Scopitones
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12 Scopitones is a film released on 24th June 2003; Paul Thomas Anderson directed the film which stars Adam Sandler, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and Emily Watson.
Twelve artwork transitions by Jeremy Blake for the film Punch-Drunk Love (2002).
Cast (3)
Adam Sandler
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 36
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 35
Emily Watson
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 35
12 Scopitones FAQ
When was 12 Scopitones released?
12 Scopitones was released 21 years ago, on Tuesday June 24th, 2003.
12 Scopitones Stats
Cast Age
Estimated Age During Filming
100% 30-39
Cast Genders
Who Is Most Represented
33% Female
67% Male
Good/Bad Characters
More Heroes of Villains?
100% Neutral/Unknown
Character Types
What Characters Feature