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2023 is a Science Fiction film released on 13th June 2009; Harald Fossen directed the film which stars Julia Schacht, Shanti Roney, and Gjertrud Jynge.
The year is 2023. Norway is slowly recovering after a period of war and terror. Sven is slowly recovering from the loss of his girlfriend Eva. But as the society slowly moves on, Sven cannot cope with the future. He dissociates himself from the world, and he has changed his behavior. He is regarded as a threat by the authorities, and they insert a parasite in his brain. The parasite will delete his memories of Eva.
Genres & Themes
Cast (3)
2023 FAQ
When was 2023 released?
2023 was released 15 years ago, on Saturday June 13th, 2009.
2023 Stats
Cast Age
Estimated Age During Filming
33% 20-29
33% 30-39
33% Unknown
Cast Genders
Who Is Most Represented
67% Female
33% Male
Good/Bad Characters
More Heroes of Villains?
100% Neutral/Unknown
Character Types
What Characters Feature