A Close Shave
A Close Shave is a Animated Comedy film released on 7th March 1996; Nick Park directed the film which stars Peter Sallis, Anne Reid, and Justin Fletcher.
Cast (4)
Watch A Close Shave (1995) online
Updated: 10th Jan 2025, 4:47pm. Data from JustWatch.
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A Close Shave FAQ
When was A Close Shave released?
A Close Shave was released 28 years ago, on Thursday March 7th, 1996.
How much money did A Close Shave make?
The worldwide revenue was $4,638.
Is A Close Shave on Netflix?
No, A Close Shave is not currently available on Netflix in the United States
Is A Close Shave on Amazon Prime?
No, A Close Shave is not currently available on Amazon Prime in the United States
Is A Close Shave on Disney Plus?
No, A Close Shave is not currently available on Disney+ in the United States
A Close Shave Stats
Cast Age
Estimated Age During Filming
25% 20-29
25% 50-59
50% 70-79
Cast Genders
Who Is Most Represented
25% Female
75% Male
Good/Bad Characters
More Heroes of Villains?
100% Neutral/Unknown
Character Types
What Characters Feature