The Filmaholic

Living in Peril

21st June 1997
1h 33m
Jack Ersgard
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Living in Peril is a Comedy Drama film released on 21st June 1997; Jack Ersgard directed the film which stars Jim Belushi, Dean Stockwell, and Earl Boen.


The young architect Walter leaves his wife Linda to go to L.A. to draw a mansion for Harrison. On the highway a truck driver almost drives him off the road. Walter calls the truck-company to complain. The driver gets fired. When Walter arrives to the apartment-block where he has rented a flat he meets the choleric landlord William and the others living there. But now the problems starts. The next morning somebody has ruined his drawing and Harrison dislikes what Walter has drawn. But soon everything gets out of hand. Walter gets into more trouble - one morning he finds rats all over his apartment and the next day he finds his beautiful neighbor killed in his bed - and he starts to think that it is the fired truck driver who is out to get revenge.

Cast (10)

Jim Belushi's profile
Jim Belushi
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 42
Dean Stockwell's profile
Dean Stockwell
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 60
Earl Boen's profile
Earl Boen
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 55
Rob Lowe's profile
Rob Lowe
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 32
Richard Moll's profile
Richard Moll
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 53
Tony Longo's profile
Tony Longo
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 35
Peter Spellos's profile
Peter Spellos
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 42
Dana Wheeler-Nicholson's profile
Dana Wheeler-Nicholson
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 36
Alex Meneses's profile
Alex Meneses
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 31

Living in Peril FAQ

When was Living in Peril released?

Living in Peril was released 27 years ago, on Saturday June 21st, 1997.

Living in Peril Stats

Cast Age

Estimated Age During Filming

40% 30-39
20% 40-49
20% 50-59
10% 60-69
10% Unknown

Cast Genders

Who Is Most Represented

20% Female
80% Male

Good/Bad Characters

More Heroes of Villains?

100% Neutral/Unknown

Character Types

What Characters Feature

100% Unknown