The Filmaholic

Rain Without Thunder

5th February 1993
1h 25m
Gary O. Bennett
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Rain Without Thunder is a Drama Sci-Fi film released on 5th February 1993; Gary O. Bennett directed the film which stars Jeff Daniels, Steve Zahn, and Austin Pendleton.


This evocative faux documentary imagines a dystopian near future in which the government monitors every woman's sexual activity. At its center is Allison Golding (Ali Thomas), serving a life sentence for having an abortion. As politicians, journalists and other key figures discuss Allison's case, they reveal how American society reached this totalitarian state.

Cast (14)

Jeff Daniels's profile
Jeff Daniels
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 36
Steve Zahn's profile
Steve Zahn
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 24
Austin Pendleton's profile
Austin Pendleton
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 51
Graham Greene's profile
Graham Greene
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 39
Frederic Forrest's profile
Frederic Forrest
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 55
Linda Hunt's profile
Linda Hunt
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 46
Ethan Phillips's profile
Ethan Phillips
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 36
Ming-Na Wen's profile
Ming-Na Wen
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 28
Betty Buckley's profile
Betty Buckley
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 44
Robert Earl Jones's profile
Robert Earl Jones
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 81
Katy Selverstone
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 25
Iona Morris
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 34

Watch Rain Without Thunder (1992) online

Updated: 11th Jan 2025, 1:10pm. Data from JustWatch.

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Rain Without Thunder FAQ

When was Rain Without Thunder released?

Rain Without Thunder was released 32 years ago, on Friday February 5th, 1993.

Is Rain Without Thunder on Netflix?

No, Rain Without Thunder is not currently available on Netflix in the United States

Is Rain Without Thunder on Amazon Prime?

No, Rain Without Thunder is not currently available on Amazon Prime in the United States

Is Rain Without Thunder on Disney Plus?

No, Rain Without Thunder is not currently available on Disney+ in the United States

Rain Without Thunder Stats

Cast Age

Estimated Age During Filming

21% 20-29
29% 30-39
14% 40-49
14% 50-59
7% 80-89
14% Unknown

Cast Genders

Who Is Most Represented

50% Female
50% Male

Good/Bad Characters

More Heroes of Villains?

100% Neutral/Unknown

Character Types

What Characters Feature

100% Unknown