The Filmaholic

The Bargee

1st January 1964
1h 42m
Duncan Wood
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The Bargee is a Comedy film released on 1st January 1964; Duncan Wood directed the film which stars Harry H. Corbett, Barbara Windsor, and Norman Bird.


After a lock-keeper entrusts his daughter to a canal Casanova, he is shocked to learn that she is pregnant. He then refuses to open his locks - causing barges to pile up in every direction until the guilty party confesses.

Genres & Themes

Cast (19)

Harry H. Corbett's profile
Harry H. Corbett
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 38
Barbara Windsor's profile
Barbara Windsor
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 26
Norman Bird's profile
Norman Bird
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 43
Hugh Griffith's profile
Hugh Griffith
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 51
Richard Briers's profile
Richard Briers
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 29
Michael Robbins's profile
Michael Robbins
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 33
Brian Wilde's profile
Brian Wilde
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 36
Patricia Hayes's profile
Patricia Hayes
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 54
Derek Nimmo's profile
Derek Nimmo
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 33
Eric Barker's profile
Eric Barker
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 51
Miriam Karlin's profile
Miriam Karlin
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 38
George A. Cooper's profile
George A. Cooper
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 69
Ronnie Barker's profile
Ronnie Barker
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 34
Julia Foster's profile
Julia Foster
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 20
Eric Sykes's profile
Eric Sykes
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 40
Edwin Apps's profile
Edwin Apps
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 32
Grazina Frame
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 22
Godfrey Winn
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 57
Jo Rowbottom's profile
Jo Rowbottom
Age WhileAt Filming ≈ 21

Watch The Bargee (1964) online

Updated: 23rd Jan 2025, 10:50pm. Data from JustWatch.

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The Bargee FAQ

When was The Bargee released?

The Bargee was released 61 years ago, on Wednesday January 1st, 1964.

Is The Bargee on Netflix?

No, The Bargee is not currently available on Netflix in the United States

Is The Bargee on Amazon Prime?

No, The Bargee is not currently available on Amazon Prime in the United States

Is The Bargee on Disney Plus?

No, The Bargee is not currently available on Disney+ in the United States

The Bargee Stats

Cast Age

Estimated Age During Filming

26% 20-29
37% 30-39
11% 40-49
21% 50-59
5% 60-69

Cast Genders

Who Is Most Represented

32% Female
68% Male

Good/Bad Characters

More Heroes of Villains?

100% Neutral/Unknown

Character Types

What Characters Feature

100% Unknown